Mr. Toad's Wild Ride continues.
Matt and I witnessed Ray walking with a cane today!! The cane was the one with four little feet. Another aid to the walk was a lift in his right shoe that enables his left foot to clear the floor when he swings it forward. In total he walked about sixty feet!
Every day he is getting stronger! Thank You, Dearest Papa!!
Ray also practiced getting into a tub that has one of those tubchairs to sit on in it. He needed help to get his left leg in, but was able to pretty easily do the rest.
All wonderful news.
We were able to speak with all those individuals who have worked with Ray. Each one had a bit of advice for us; suggestions for what we can and should do with him ourselves to aid his continued recovery. They are wonderful and we told them so!
We met with the PA for final instructions. He gave us sheets that summarize Ray's condition upon arrival and where he is now. It also lists all his medications and what they recommend for treatment now and in the future. He explained to us what we should be looking for regarding Ray's care. We also learned that the PA had to go head to head with our insurance carrier to get approval for Ray's move to the new rehabilitation center, Glendale, in Naugatuck. They wanted to send him home!
He warned us that the insurance will be keeping a spotlight on Ray's recovery and the minute he doesn't appear to be making progress they will stop funding his stay. His progress also has to be in the functional arena. If it doesn't aid his being able to function at the basic level, it doesn't count.
Our case coordinator at Gaylord supplied us with the contact information should we need an advocate to deal with the insurance tyrants. This hospital is wonderful. They have not overlooked one detail!
We also learned that they will not cover his transport from Gaylord to Glendale, as he doesn't need an ambulance. He needs to travel via a wheelchair van. I would take him myself, but I am not able to get him in and out of the car by myself and my sons are both working. And I want Ray to be comfortable and feel secure!
Insurance companies have not been on my favored list for quite a long time, but they have now moved to the black list for sure!
Not long ago I received a bill from the ambulance company that had picked my husband up while he was laying on the road dying. The insurance company only paid seventy percent of the bill because it was a non-network ambulance.
How, may I ask, were we to avoid that situation? Maybe Ray should have been carrying a card that warned the police to check whether the available ambulance was an approved one or not?!
My head was spinning as I walked out of the hospital. Then a thought came to me. The thought was something Jesus had said that Matthew had recorded in his gospel account. "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." There is a familiar saying that summarizes this very nicely, "One day at a time."
This all ties in with being in the moment. Fixating on what might happen in the future robs us of the now.
You know the ride isn't so crazy if one sticks with what is true; it's when emotions take over that the ride takes some crazy dips. Often I have told others to not let emotions be the engine of our life, but assign it as the caboose. Truth has to lead. Now I think I had better heed my own words. Better yet, I will choose to take to heart Jesus Words. I especially hold dear these Words of His: "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you."
He's taking the ride with me!
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