Friday, June 11, 2010

My man got a new set of wheels today! Or so I hear. Today was mental health day. The day that I relax. Even though I didn't just lay around it was relaxing because I just took my time and the day wasn't crammed full. So nice.
Anyway, about the new wheels...The PT ordered a new wheelchair for Ray and it arrived today. It has a high back and large wheels, which makes it more manuverable.
The case coordinator, Natalie, called today, as she usually does on Friday, to share with me what was discussed during the team meeting yesterday. To begin with she told me that she saw my honey in the hall wheeling himself toward his room. Did you notice that important word - himself? He used his right hand and foot to navigate. Natalie asked him how he was doing and he said a confident, "Good."
The team is very encouraged, Natalie tells me, by my husband's progress. They aren't alone! Next week they will be re-evaluating what the plan should be for the future.
Ray is not ready to come home. The CC told me that some families are insistent upon bringing their loved ones home before they are really ready. She wanted to know what I was thinking. Well, of course, I want him home, however, not until it is the best place for him to be. Otherwise, it will be very frustrating for all concerned!
My man just called me again. He misses his family but understands that we can't be there all the time. You see, he thinks he is in the Florida Keys! I told him where he was, but he said he didn't think so. Okay...
Ray wants his cell phones. He was certain that he had them with him - that he had taken them out of the Pinto and if he doesn't find them soon, he will have to report them missing. (We owned a Pinto about thirty years ago.) I explained that his phones are here at home. He can't figure out how we got them from him, but please bring them to him or he will have to report them stolen!
Sure, let's bring him home right now!
I think I have some more relaxing to do, so I am signing off until tomorrow. Papa watch over and bless all the dear ones reading this tonight.

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