Sunday, March 31, 2013


Papa spoke a special Word to my heart this morning and just to make sure I really took it deeply into my heart He had my Pastor draw attention to it again.
He is so good!

This Word is not for me alone, but for all that will listen.

The Twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John was the focus of my reading this morning both at home and in church.  This stands to reason considering that it opens with the empty tomb.  What is more appropriate to read on Resurrection Sunday?

The Scripture tells of encounters with the risen Christ.
Mary Magdalene was the first to see Him.

At first she did not  realize who was speaking to her.  Mary was grieving her loss and her eyes were filled with the tears of grief.
It was when He spoke her name that she recognized her LORD.

When Jesus speaks the name of one of His beloved it is spoken with more love and tenderness than anyone else could ever muster.

Imagine if Mary was so caught up in her pain that she did not listen.
You know we all do that at times.
We can be so engrossed in rehearsing our troubles, our losses and our disappointments that we are not really listening; we are not paying attention.
At other times we are busy planning our next steps and again not listening.

What Papa spoke to my heart is that He comes to each one individually, but we must listen for His Voice so we don't miss hearing it expressing love for especially us.
He came just for us.
Each one of us.
He continues to come to each one.
Let's be listening with our hearts!

"...Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!"                  Isaiah 43:1

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Back from a very lovely, restful vacation and sporting a tan I am attempting to ease back into my regular routine.  I still hear the waves lapping the beach and am savoring the time that I had to wander along the shore with one of my dearest friends.
We spent much time talking and praying together.
Ah bliss....

I thought I'd stop by here just to see if Papa had anything for me to say.  If there was anyone that might be listening....
Truly I thought by now no one was visiting this sight, but found that some still do.  Surprising to me!

It is Holy Week.
The time that commemorates Jesus' death and culminates by celebrating His resurrection, which happens tomorrow.
A very precious time for all who love Him.
I have the extra blessing of having begun my personal, love relationship with Him during this week.
Thirty-four years ago.
Talk about bliss!

What does that word mean?
According to my thesaurus it is:
Enjoyment, happiness, delight, pleasure, harmony, ecstasy, heaven, paradise.
Do I walk around with my head in the clouds surrounded by rainbows and butterflies or the such?
Not by a long shot.
Yet, just the thought of Him brings pleasure.
Not only the thought but  the fact that He scatters many reminders of His Presence through out my days.

His resources know no limits and He delights in sharing them with His children.

Often when I read Scripture  I find many promises for those who love God.

Psalm thirty-six contrasts those who do not fear God with those who do.
The wicked's heart is instructed by sin and is flattered by the same.  The picture drawn is a very dark, hopeless one.
Those who fear God enjoy the eternal blessings and resources of their God.
 A picture of hope and promise is seen.

Two verses spoke loudly to my heart and caused me to reflect on the grace of God. 

"How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!  And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.  They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You do give them to drink of the river of Your delights."
His delights?  Could those delights be His bliss??

All ours because of Jesus!  True bliss!

"Oh,the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!"  Romans 11:33

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Little Sparkle

Each morning Papa and I spend some alone time in my little sanctuary.
This morning was no different.

I sat with my Bible open to Psalm thirty-two, where King David records his experience after he admitted his sin before God.  The sin was adultery and murder.
How important it is to approach all Scripture with an open, hungry heart that is willing to hear from God on a personal level.  It is our loss if we only look at it as a slice of history.
Additionally we lose out if we come with a superior attitude.   Too easy to do, after all in this case, we haven't orchestrated some one's murder.  Like wise, many have not deliberately entered into adultery.

Ah, but haven't we?

How important it is for us to take in the whole counsel of God!

If we move into the New Testament we find Jesus' teaching about such things as murder and adultery.
"You have heard that the ancients were told, 'You shall not commit murder and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.'  But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever shall say, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell."  Matthew 5:21-22
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery'; but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."  Matthew 5:27-28
Oh, you could spend all your days in the Sermon on the Mount and never exhaust the lessons it holds!

Reflecting on this Scripture with the Holy Spirit's guidance certainly is humbling.
Yet, so refreshing!
If we come eager to hear out of a desire to draw nearer to Him and to become more conformed to His Image, well then, you can be certain He will honor that desire.

As I meditated on the things that were brought up out of my heart, I happen to glance out of my window.

The morning sun was bathing the blanket of snow that covered our yard.with its pure light.
This caused little bits of light to seem to come from the snow itself.

I decided to research the cause of this phenomenon.

The Weather Guys on The Why Files site explained...
" Each ‘sparkle’ is a reflection of the sun’s image from a single crystal."
They said more, but Papa had me at that one sentence.

Our God shines through our brokenness and is reflected in the lives that are surrendered to Him.
what a beautiful picture!
"And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness."2 Corinthians 12:9
To which I respond with Paul,
"Most gladly, therefore I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me."
This is not a boasting in our sin, but an admitting to our sinful nature and boasting in His grace!

What a privilege and joy to be able to sparkle for Jesus!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Humble Walk

Humility has been the main topic that Papa has been sticking with as of late.
Accordingly, it seems to me that every verse of scripture and every issue that arises seems to lend itself to this subject.
When our God wants to get a message across He uses everything and anything!

Of course, the Frances Frangipane course I am taking at the moment has much to say about the topic.
However, all he is doing is pointing out what Scripture has to say about it.
The perfect example of being humble is our Savior Himself.

As He humbled Himself, He kept His eyes and heart fixed on the Father.
As we learn humility, we must look to Him.
I think that is the key.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8
Choosing to walk with our God, aware of His Holy Presence helps us to be humble.
True justice and a love of kindness flows from humility.

When we are not focused on self, but on Him, then we are in a position to be fair and kind to those around us.

Yes, we need to remember who is on the Throne.
It isn't any one of us.

The minute we lose sight of that, we tend to elevate ourselves and believe the lie that we have any power of our own.
Then thinking we are in control we make foolish choices.

We dare not forget that we are powerless apart from our God.

When we are doing anything in our own "strength" the flesh has a tendency to play God.
We might even try to put words in God's mouth.
Oh, just subtle little additions to what He has said.... 
We just embellish a bit...

I was reading about temptation of Eve in Genesis 3 the other day and was struck by something new.
We know that during her conversation with the enemy she told him that the LORD had instructed Adam and her not to eat, nor touch, the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God had not forbidden them from touching it.
She put words in God's mouth!

I have thought about this many times, but a new slant had come to me.
Once we deviate from God's Word by adding to it, we have caused a crack in our foundation.
We open ourselves up to be shaken.

Once we have added to His Word we have weakened it in our mind.  For we know it is not entirely His.
This makes it more difficult to stand upon.
Thus the shaky foundation.

The humble dare not add one word to His Word.
They know it is Sacred and their own words are not.

We dare not elevate anything but our God.
If He is on the Throne of our lives, where He rightly belongs, then His Word will be held as holy also.

If we are seeking to be humble we will be keeping our eyes on Him and will not be distracted to follow anyone else.
Not even a godly person.

In the first letter to the Corinthians Paul addressed a problem that had arisen.  People were becoming divided into followers of different teachers.
I am certain that the men they admired were lovers of God, but they were not God.

It is too easy to become enamored by someone who imparts truth to you in a way that stirs your heart.  
It is critical to remember that any blessing that comes to you is the Spirit's work through a willing vessel.

It is not about impressing anyone with our words or following someone who is impressive.
Isn't it our desire to be accepted and recognized that often motivates us?
There is only One whose Words truly impress for eternity and only One worthy to be followed.
He calls us to come in our frailty, admitting our weakness and our need. 
There we find acceptance and our rightful place.
"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 18:4


Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Unique Walk

There is nothing like a spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar.
That is one of the pleasures that one can enjoy once the children are grown and gone.
Since I didn't allow them the privilege I refrained from indulging while they were sharing this house.
However, now there are no such restrictions!

It is not unusual to find me zoning by via a little movie watching.  (Possible with a jar in hand).
There are times when my brain must get a rest from all that generally occupies it.
It needs some a-musement.
A means no and muse means think.  So amuse is to not think.

I use to think that was a bad thing.

I am enjoying the series, Parenthood, while I get my exercise via my treadmill. 
(Part of the show's attraction is how similar the family's interaction is to that of my sisters and mine.)
It is one of the distractions that keep me going for the full hour.

This is not a confession of my humanity, it is a declaration!

Quite often Papa brings someone new into my life, whether an author or teacher or a new acquaintance or friend.
Everyone of them has something that I can glean from them.
And when it is someone that I connect with on a personal level, I hope they gain as well.

I know I have shared how Papa has revealed to me that He has treasures for me to gather along life's path.
Well, I have been thinking of that with a a fresh slant lately.
In particularly where it applies to the influence of other Christians I encounter.

Often, teachers, in particular, have a specific focus to their teaching.
Whether it be humility, joy, holiness or countless other topics; there often seems to be a underlying focus.

A good teacher makes a personal application, which helps to reinforce the lesson for the hearers.
As we take it in we need to be looking for what Papa would have us glean from it.  
For ourselves.
We need to allow the Holy Spirit, not the teacher, to make the application to our own lives.
What treasure are we to gather to ourselves?

Then there are those that are not positioned as teachers in our lives, but just fellow pilgrims.
There should be a mutual sharing of how we are working out our salvation, but also an understanding that it will translate differently into each unique life.

Everything must be measured by the Word and taught to our hearts directly by the Holy Spirit.

Last week I heard a preacher, who had many good things to say, which I received.  Yet, there was something amiss.  I still cannot put my finger on it, but know that the Spirit had put a caution on my heart.
That is enough for me.  I will not be receiving from this person in the future.

Sometimes I am so drawn in by what I encounter that I begin to put pressure on myself to emulate the messenger.  
What I sense Papa telling me is that I should rely upon Him to shape me into all He intends.  Gather the treasures He reveals to me and be the me He loves.  He made each of us unique.

Everyone has their opinions over the smallest things.  And many like to express them.
Eating out of a jar?  No, no, no!  Unsanitary is what I have been told.
Maybe, but I do not care.
My kitchen.  My jar.  :)

Then there are the subjects that are very personal to us.
 What activities are right for me?  What does a walk with Jesus look like?
Remember WWJD? (What would Jesus do?)

Some of that is black and white and thus it is clear as to what does and what doesn't meet the criteria.
However, much is very particular to an individual.

Some would say that any movie or television show that is not overtly Christian is wrong.
Others set no standard.

I believe the answer is a close walk with Jesus.
He promised to send the Helper, the Holy Spirit and He did.
His Spirit is the One who will lead us every step of the way on that Highway of Holiness that He calls us to walk.
"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you."  John 14:16-17

Papa loves His children and He knows we need rest and recreation, to relax our minds and bodies.
As children we need to play.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

"But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  Luke 18:16