Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Humble Walk

Humility has been the main topic that Papa has been sticking with as of late.
Accordingly, it seems to me that every verse of scripture and every issue that arises seems to lend itself to this subject.
When our God wants to get a message across He uses everything and anything!

Of course, the Frances Frangipane course I am taking at the moment has much to say about the topic.
However, all he is doing is pointing out what Scripture has to say about it.
The perfect example of being humble is our Savior Himself.

As He humbled Himself, He kept His eyes and heart fixed on the Father.
As we learn humility, we must look to Him.
I think that is the key.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8
Choosing to walk with our God, aware of His Holy Presence helps us to be humble.
True justice and a love of kindness flows from humility.

When we are not focused on self, but on Him, then we are in a position to be fair and kind to those around us.

Yes, we need to remember who is on the Throne.
It isn't any one of us.

The minute we lose sight of that, we tend to elevate ourselves and believe the lie that we have any power of our own.
Then thinking we are in control we make foolish choices.

We dare not forget that we are powerless apart from our God.

When we are doing anything in our own "strength" the flesh has a tendency to play God.
We might even try to put words in God's mouth.
Oh, just subtle little additions to what He has said.... 
We just embellish a bit...

I was reading about temptation of Eve in Genesis 3 the other day and was struck by something new.
We know that during her conversation with the enemy she told him that the LORD had instructed Adam and her not to eat, nor touch, the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God had not forbidden them from touching it.
She put words in God's mouth!

I have thought about this many times, but a new slant had come to me.
Once we deviate from God's Word by adding to it, we have caused a crack in our foundation.
We open ourselves up to be shaken.

Once we have added to His Word we have weakened it in our mind.  For we know it is not entirely His.
This makes it more difficult to stand upon.
Thus the shaky foundation.

The humble dare not add one word to His Word.
They know it is Sacred and their own words are not.

We dare not elevate anything but our God.
If He is on the Throne of our lives, where He rightly belongs, then His Word will be held as holy also.

If we are seeking to be humble we will be keeping our eyes on Him and will not be distracted to follow anyone else.
Not even a godly person.

In the first letter to the Corinthians Paul addressed a problem that had arisen.  People were becoming divided into followers of different teachers.
I am certain that the men they admired were lovers of God, but they were not God.

It is too easy to become enamored by someone who imparts truth to you in a way that stirs your heart.  
It is critical to remember that any blessing that comes to you is the Spirit's work through a willing vessel.

It is not about impressing anyone with our words or following someone who is impressive.
Isn't it our desire to be accepted and recognized that often motivates us?
There is only One whose Words truly impress for eternity and only One worthy to be followed.
He calls us to come in our frailty, admitting our weakness and our need. 
There we find acceptance and our rightful place.
"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 18:4


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