Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Did you ever get woken up abruptly from a deep sleep? It is not always easy to get back to sleep, at least for me. Often sleep becomes illusive. That is where I am right now.

My last entry was brief, as I had noticed the time and decided I had better get some sleep. My head hit the pillow and I was off to dreamland pretty quickly. About thirty minutes later some creature outside decided to start shrieking.

Some nights our backyard sounds like it turns into a jungle with all its accompanying sounds of life. Tonight one life was taking center stage out there and very loudly!

After some tossing and turning, praying and an attempt to relax every muscle in my body, it became clear that I wasn't going back to sleep anytime very soon.

So here I sit at my husband's computer, which is more convenient at the moment.

Hopefully, I will get down the rest of what is on my mind and be able to curl up for a few hours sleep.

I need to mention something first. It is of very little consequence, however, it is insisting upon being noted! When I logged off after my last entry it was about 11:15 PM. When I just signed back in, I see that they put my posting at 7:41 PM. That would work if I was floating out in the Pacific off the coast of California somewhere!

Let me tell you about Ray's and my visit today... make that yesterday. (We've past midnight now). Ray's schedule is fuller these days. He has twice as much therapy now, since they increase the amount as the patient is able to handle it. This is a good sign, but the down side is that it is difficult to have time to simply visit.
I arrived before lunch and we managed to get the "staring at the blue/green light" out of the way before his meal arrived. This light is suppose to be relaxing; recently Ray has had a hard time staying awake while looking at it. So I figured before eating and earlier in the day might work better.
I brought my lunch and we dined together! Then we headed to the garden for some fresh air. As is our custom, we prayed together. My husband expressed gratitude for all the LORD'S help and for His presence. Ray also asked Papa if He could heal him quickly so he could get back to his life, but he did say that he knew that the timing is best left in His Hands.
As Ray prayed, a thought came to me that I shared with him after the amen.
This is our life. Right where we are. If we just focus on getting through to the other side, we will miss out on what Papa has for us right now; joy, blessings, lessons...
This is a lesson my Heavenly Father is always reminding me of - to be in the moment.
It is too easy to wish our life away. It is too easy to think the real living will happen when we arrive at some particular juncture.
This is the real living. All of it is part of life. It is all to be experienced in its entirety, fully.
We needn't be afraid. He tells us to be anxious for nothing! If we are confident of Who is in control, we can relax and breathe; one full, deep breath at a time!
We are already getting on with our lives. Let's not miss it!

1 comment:

  1. "It is too easy to wish our life away. It is too easy to think the real living will happen when we arrive at some particular juncture.
    This is the real living."

    - How true, and how hard to remember!
