Would you kindly join me in giving our Great God a standing ovation? Oh, by the way, Ray will be joining us! During PT/OT today they got him to his feet!! Sure they had to help him, but he took part and was actually able to rise without the feeling of dizziness overwhelming him.
My man had another new look today; he looked like a mysterious man, as they put a black eye patch over his left eye before attempting to get him standing.
As we know, his left eye is giving him trouble and most likely contributes to the dizziness he has been experiencing.
When my honey first stood I had to fight tears; tears once more of joy and sorrow. Aren't emotions crazy things? We can feel so many at the same time. Often it is hard to really know all we are feeling! The reason for the joy was obvious, but the sorrow I had to analyze. It still is difficult to see my strong husband so weak. I don't think I will ever get use to it and I don't want to either!! Who knows what other emotions were churning at that moment or any other? Who knows? Papa knows!
Ray stood a second time after a short break and then his blood pressure decided to take a dip, but not before he took a few steps! One of the therapists stood with the wheelchair right behind him and the second therapist helped support him and also moved his left leg for him. The leg is still very weak. However, he could move the right one himself! The step was more of a shuffle, but he did it himself!
Let's dance!!
Afterward my dear husband and I headed for the Japanese garden. Appropriately, we talked with Jesus while we were there. (I can't stop smiling!) Ray thanked our gracious LORD for giving him this day and for all the support he is receiving. He asked Him to help him keep everything in perspective. He said he was grateful for all the progress, but sorry that he gets impatient wanting things to move more quickly. Ray ended by expressing his desire for God to be glorified through all of this! Ah, Papa is so good!!
Before these delicious events Ray had had visitors. Each one an important part of Ray's life. The relationship he has with one of the visitors is like that of a son and father. It is obvious that both this older man and my husband have great tenderness for one another. What a joy to behold! I was grateful that I was there with the man and his wife. Being with them is always a blessing.
Another blessing for me is being able to blog! It often feels like I am having a conversation with a dear friend, which I am. I am becoming more and more aware that there are quite a number of you following this blog and that Papa is speaking to you. What a joy, but also a burden. Let me explain.
Our friend, James, is a welder extraodinaire. He loves creating with metals. I love creating with words. It could be said that words are my metal. I am amazed by James' creations. They often are beautiful things to behold. It is my desire to be a blessing and that Papa would give me His words to do beautiful things in hearts and lives.
I have been reading the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a servant of the Most High God. It was a blessing and a burden for him. The blessing is, of course, knowing and serving God. The burden is experiencing the heart that God has for others and being faithful to Him no matter what comes. It is too easy to become more aware of those with skin on and less aware of the One Who is Spirit; too easy to become a people-pleaser instead of a God-pleaser.
Ezekiel kept the right perspective, because he knew the heart of God. May I stay close to the heart of my God so I also keep the proper perspective.
In this Old Testament book I am reminded that staying close to Him in trust and obedience is the only secure place. To consider being anywhere else is a frightening thought! For Him to remove His Presence from my life, as He had to do with Israel, would leave me lifeless and hopeless. A commentary today put it this way, "God's absence is the ultimate punishment."
The true blessing is in knowing that He has promised never to leave me, nor forsake me. He also promised that whatever He calls me to do, well, He'll do it! (1 Thessalonians 5:24). So, Dearest LORD, blog away!
And precious ones, may each of you be enjoying life in the only secure place!
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