Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It has occurred to me that my life seems to have themes running through it; messages that the LORD God is intent upon getting through to me. You ever notice that suddenly everywhere you turn you are hearing a similar thought?
Last year the message was joy. This year it is hope.
As I reflected on this the thought came that every message is wrapped in love. Love is the foundation, the motivation and the packaging. My Papa is deliberate in His love, it has a purpose and a plan. In love He uses everything that comes into our lives (those who love Him) in a way that works out for good. (Romans 8:28) It is the model for healthy love.
He doesn't rescue us from every "bad" thing that happens, but desires for us to learn and grow into all He intended us to be. What is His intention? That we become like Him!
"See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him just as He is." 1 John 3:1-2
Such a glorious promise! So no matter what the day holds, I hold onto hope! And hope's name is Jesus!!
Oh the joy! Yes, joy! You see Papa got the message across. His great love begot joy in my life which made real for me genuine hope. To quote a dear lady; "He is extravagant in His love!"
Of course, love, joy and hope were in evidence today with a bit of humor thrown in!
Matt and I arrived in time to eat our lunch with Ray. In conversation with one of the staff, who had popped in, we were asked if we could encourage Ray to talk. It seems he has become a man of few words! Honest. Ray is stingy with his words!! Now would I lie??!
I sat there looking at my beloved and realized that he has lost a good deal of his belly. Ray has always exercised - his legs, arms, etc; only not the belly. He always told me that it was too much like work. Well, this certainly wasn't the easier way to lose that fat!
His afternoon was a full one. First we all met with an opthomalogist who gave him a good examination. His evaluation revealed that the optic nerve to Ray's left eye is damaged. The result is very little vision with a reduction in range, as well as focus. The doctor encouraged us that there can be improvement and ordered some exercises that can help to stimulate nerves.
During PT my honey stood a bit more strongly and took quite a few steps. To get up and take steps the PT holds him very closely and guides him. She uses her foot to help move his left foot and also lifts the leg, which she had a brace on for added support. I told the OT that normally I would have a big problem with a pretty young woman getting so close to my husband, but would gladly let it pass for now!
Ray had his own cheering section; the doctor, the OT and PT, Matt and I. Rebecca, the PT, told us that we should watch out because he will be expecting all this attention when he gets home. Knowing him he will be glad to be left alone to do things for himself.
The staff here is so supportive and encouraging! When Ray arrived here and was settled in I let all our sons know the wing and room that he was in. It is Hooker 212. Each son texted me to verify the name and asked if I really was going to let him stay. I told them, "Hey, whatever it takes to make him well!"
No, they are not that accomodating, but do truly know their jobs. Most seem to love what they do and are invested in seeing their patients recover. Praise God!
While speaking with the PA, Marc, we learned that with brain injuries like Ray has the most improvement comes from three to six months, with continuing, but subtle recovery onto two years and beyond. We are at the two month mark and see how much improvement Ray has made?!!
Now doesn't that give you a whole lot of hope??!!

1 comment:

  1. "While speaking with the PA, Marc, we learned that with brain injuries like Ray has the most improvement comes from three to six months, with continuing, but subtle recovery onto two years and beyond. We are at the two month mark and see how much improvement Ray has made?!!
    Now doesn't that give you a whole lot of hope??!!"

    What absolutely fabulous news. Considering the incredible accomplishments already made - Wow!

    I guess the theme really IS hope!!
