Saturday, June 19, 2010

Everybody needs a good cry every once in a while, whether we know it or not. Since those beloved emotions we all have do such a good job of camaflouge, at times, we often need a little help coming to that realization.
Yesterday morning, as I sat with Papa, I told Him that I was feeling restricted in some way and needed His help to reveal what was going on. Isn't it crazy that we need help to understand what is going on within ourselves?
Well, Papa is more than obliging.. and before I knew it I was sobbing. Something very cool happened at that point. The Holy Spirit joined me! He grieved with me! In Romans 12:15 He tells us to "Weep with those who weep" and being true to His Word; He did!!
Such comfort I cannot describe!!
How gracious and loving my God is!! What a joy to be His!!!
The cry wasn't very long, but afterward I was so refreshed that I actually felt like me. The me I refer to is the one before this current adventure - burden free!
My loving Heavenly Father had a message for my heart and I want it to stay fresh every moment of every day.
Matthew 11:28-30 are the verses that Jesus used to bring me to Himself over thirty-one years ago and He continues to use them to speak to me. In them Jesus says to let His yoke rest on our shoulders. A yoke connects two oxen. One is the strong leader and the other just follows his lead. When we are "yoked" to Jesus, He does all the leading, as He is the strong one. By the way, that makes me the weak one. What about you?
His yoke is easy. What He told me this time was that yoke is all that should be on my shoulders. I am not to carry anything else! All else is to be given to Him.
What joy!
The joy continued as Matt and I visited Ray yesterday evening. I hadn't seen my husband since Wednesday afternoon. In two days time he is stronger! He holds his head and body up straighter!
We always cross paths with different staff members during our visit and yesterday was no exception. Everyone of them is encouraged by his "great" strides!! The ST! The PA! The nurses! And that was just Friday's encounters!
My honey is still a man of few words, but he does respond to us and seems a little less confused. His emotions are still under wraps. I chose to think that Papa is just keeping him at rest in His protective arms.
This coming week he will be having a hearing test, as it seems that hearing in his left ear has been diminished. He also is seeing a urologist for the bladder problem.
The spine specialist wants his neck brace on for about three more weeks. Ray is eager to lose it, so pray for patience!
I am heading out now to spend some time with my husband and maybe take a stroll with him through the garden. The three of us will just spend some time enjoying one another. Yes, Papa, Ray and I shall have a lovely time!

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