Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is going to be brief, but I just had to share the blessings I received this morning!
For the month of August Papa and I are working our way through the first letter to the Corinthians. Today we focused on verses eighteen through thirty-one in the first chapter. Here I was reminded of my powerlessness; on my own I am weak and foolish.
However, it doesn't end there!
He is wise and powerful and with Him I, too, can share in this wisdom and strength! What good news!! My weakness is replaced by His strength and power and my foolishness gives over to His wisdom!
What grace!! What good gifts!!
Yet, that is not all!!
The passage goes on to tell us that Jesus not only became "to us wisdom from God," BUT also: Righteousness - Through Him we are made right with God!!
Sanctification - Through Him we can now grow in holiness!!
Redemption - He paid the price for our sins and now we face eternity, not separated from God, but with Him!!
So often I forget that He has done it all. There is nothing I need or can do.
You see, it is all about HIM!!
A message arrived in my email today that put the cherry on top of this great feast.
It was a reminder that I am a fragrance bearer - He is the fragrance!
Yes, indeed, it is all about Him!!!

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