God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is;
Not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will;
That I might be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Author: Reinhold Niebuhr
Good prayer, huh?
The first three lines are the most often quoted part of this prayer.
It is good advice.
How often I have struggled to change that which is beyond my control while too afraid to tackle that which I could and should. I wonder if it simply feels safer to focus on the unchangeable than have to face the real battle?
Before I can expect to be able to affect any change anywhere I need Him to work a change in me.
The enemy would rather not see that happen. He knows that as long as I spend my time battling windmills change will not be possible.
Trusting Jesus; yoked to Jesus; yielded to Jesus is the only way to that peace the writer speaks of; it is the only way to true change.
Change means "Letting go and letting God," as they say. "Let go of all those things you want to see changed, let go of all the baggage that has dragged you down." That's what I have heard at different times in my life.
You know just when I think there is nothing else to deal with something else is brought to my attention!
That's okay. I know the One who is behind it all and I also know that He will definitely make all things right, eventually.
There is a Rich Mullins song about Jesus being his "One Thing". When He is our one thing it is much easier to let go of all the rest.
So Papa God, Holy One, You are my One thing!!
"One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the LORD,
And to meditate in His temple."
This is found in the twenty-seventh chapter of Psalms, the fourth verse.
As my eyes and heart are turned toward Him and as they are fixed on Him, all the rest fades.
Oh, it is all still there, but put into perspective.
When we let go and trust Him He is free to move more fully. I would much rather that the Mighty, Living, Creator God be the One directing the outcomes!
It is so good to remember that He is in control and all wise.
I also need to reflect on all the evidence of His touch and care through all of my life and particularly the past four months.
Ray is getting stronger every day! Today I noticed that his left leg is becoming stronger and more stable in spite of how weak his hip flexer still is! His knee does not buckle so often or so easily! Praise God!!
His mind is clearer too; the real weakness is in the short term memory.
To help this we have been playing cards. I have been winning, which was not the case before his accident! We figured out a way for him to stick the cards in the armrest of his wheelchair, as it really isn't very easy to play one-handed!
Through all this journey my honey has put his trust in the LORD and is confident that He has a good plan. Ray knows Papa is the One thing that matters!
Every day there is a little more progress! Keep praying!!
Tomorrow I head back to New York to visit my niece in the hospital. Papa has put something on my heart to share with her. I am trusting Him to give me time with her while she is able to absorb what is said.
May she encounter my Precious LORD and choose Him as her One thing!!
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