Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sorrow and Sighing on the Run!

Earlier this week I referred to Jesus setting His face.
I continue to reflect upon those words.

All the way back in Luke Nine we read,
"And it came about, when the days were approaching for His ascension, that He resolutely set His face to go to Jerusalem..."
As the shadow of the Cross fell upon Him it served as a constant reminder of what awaited Him.
He held His course.
He was purposeful.

This morning I read Isaiah Thirty-Five, verse ten:
"And the ransomed of the LORD will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads.  They will find gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away."
This might have been one of the promises that He recalled on that trek to His death.
A promise He was determined to keep.
The promised joy which would drive away all sorrow and sighing.

In John Three I read the words that He spoke to Nicodemus, explaining that there must be a spiritual birth.  That is the birth that allows us to see the Kingdom of God.
He was determined to make that possible for each one of us.

The other day a dear friend forwarded a devotional to me.  It was written by a priest.
He related the story of a conversation that he had with his young nephew.

The little guy had a role in the Passion play.
When his uncle called him to find out how it went he replied that it was very sad,but it was okay because in the end everybody can roses from the dead.  :)

That young child had it right.

This week is a solemn week.
It reminds us of our Precious Savior's suffering and sacrifice.

However, it is okay, actually, much better than okay, because the end result is that....
Everyone can, indeed, rise from the dead!

Can you see all that sorrow and sighing fleeing?

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