The weather beckoned for all to find their way outdoors.
From start to finish the day has been brimming with signs of life.
I awoke to the sounds of cheerful birds calling to one another.
Stepping outside I was enveloped by a playful spring breeze and this evening held one of my favorite sounds: the sound of peepers rejoicing over being revived by their friend, Spring.
Everywhere I look I had the privilege of enjoying fresh colors waving from gardens and fields.
Glorious, indeed!
Upon pulling up to the bank’s drive-thru window I asked the young teller how his weekend had been. He replied that it had been fine, but now it was like a summer day. His tone of voice implied that he wanted to be playing, not working.
Don’t we all want to play? Who wants to be grown up?
That is the joy of being Papa’s girl.
Every day I get to play!
When you are on a grand adventure with Jesus every day holds gifts to enjoy.
I spent some time in the Tenth chapter of John this morning and was reminded that the Good Shepherd knows me and joy of all joys, I know Him!
As one of His sheep I get to hear His life-giving Voice and what does He say?
“…I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.”He is the Giver of life and I know that it pleases Him when we take hold of it. How He delights to bless us!
On a day like today I know He rejoices with us, as we discover and exult in the gifts He scatters before us.
Every sign of life is a reminder that our God is the Living God.
He specializes in signs of life!
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