Friday, April 27, 2012

Never Alone

The only time I ever consider jumping ahead in a book is if I have decided I am not going to finish it.
Otherwise I want to wait and allow the story to unfold as the author intended.

I use to handle recipes that way, but soon learned that it is a good idea to know the details before beginning to prepare it.  More than once I would start a recipe only to learn that it would take much longer to get it to the table than would work or that I did not have a key ingredient!

Details!  Details!
Whether in a story or a recipe or even a hike, the details are important.

Yes a hike!
I was reminded of that yesterday when my two hour hike turned into nearly four hours.

It was time for my weekly Artist Child's date and I decided a hike in a nearby State Forest was a good choice.

The forest had a series of Letterboxes that I thought I would scout out.  There were six in total that were part of the series.
I found three.

Two of the missed boxes were due to me not reading ahead.
Thus I missed a few details....

There are a number of details that I missed that would have helped me to not only find those boxes, but would have helped me find my way out much more quickly.

In looking for a sign and a map that were suppose to be posted, according to the clues, I missed the fact that whether I found them or not, I needed to turn from the blue trail onto the red trail.
I did not realize this fact until much later.  I just kept watching for those markers.

Once becoming aware of my gaff I just continued on with the clues in search of the rest of the series.

As I have shared before I am not very visual, so why I thought this scavenger hunt was something I should do on my own, I have no idea!
Seeing the trees in the forest is not easy for me.  
Neither is hunting out a stone wall or bark-less tree among the many details that fill a forest!

Well, the hunt took me over small streams and not so small streams, up rocky hills that lead to more hills, but I did finally find the last box!

At this point the clues ended with a question as to whether I had enjoyed my hike?

This lead me to think that I was near the end of the trail.  After all the information had said it was a two hour hike and I had been hiking for over an hour and a half.  So I just continued to follow the blue trail.

Had I taken time to check out the park map to learn just how long the trail was and where it ended, I would have turned around!  However, contrary to all I know from years of hiking and camping, I kept going...

And going....

Until I reached the cliffs, which were beyond my ability to climb!

I was growing very tired by this point and thought I would call the ranger station to learn what the best way out would be.  I had stuck to the trail even when I spotted bodies of water at a distance that I thought might give me some direction, because I knew that once off the trail it would be very difficult to find it again.

An answering machine is all I reached.
Next I call my friend who lived nearby.  She drove to the ranger station and learned by a posted sign that no ranger would be there until next month!

We formulated a plan.  I had crossed a service road on my travels in, so when I reached it again I would take it out instead of reentering the woods.  I knew my energy level was too low to face the streams and hills that awaited me.

In time I did come to that road and did take it.  My friend drove around trying to find it.  Neither of us had any idea just how far off I had wandered!  It was a long road and at the end of it there was a gate which prohibited vehicles from entering.

Throughout this adventure I could stay calm because I knew that I was not alone.
Yes, though I had not encountered another person during my travels, I had a constant Companion and His Name is Jesus.

That is one of the details that I never lose sight of!

Once I stepped past that gate and began to walk down another wider road I spotted a pick up heading my way.  It turned out to be an old timer who had hiked the woods for many years.  In exchange for a ride out to civilization I listened to him share some of the adventures he has had.

It was with gratitude that I climbed out of his truck and met my friend, who then drove me back to my car.

As I sat in my car gathering my thoughts, I thanked Papa for His care and Presence.
His girl is never left on her own.  He knows better!
In Hebrews we are reminded that He has promised,
"I will never desert you, not will I ever forsake you." 
 I am so very glad!

Something else I am so grateful for is how He always supplies me with something to share with my friends at the rehab.
Since I can no longer use Scripture a little more creativity is needed.

My adventure was easily used to speak to them about how He cares about every step we take.
Any adventure that lends itself to being an illustration of His love and grace is a grand adventure!

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