Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Good Father

April is well-represented in the birthday department by our family.

As I tore off another page from my daily calendar yesterday, I was reminded of an uncle who claimed the date.  He is gone, but memories linger.

Some are easier to recall than others.
Let me just say that he was a father figure to me, who left a few scars on my heart.

I wonder if I hadn't had a grandpa who loved me well, though briefly, whether I would have been able to see God as my Heavenly Father as being a good thing?

But I did and I do!

He is the ultimate Good Father.
As His Word says, He is Love.
The ways that He demonstrates that love are innumerable, but I will be glad to mention a few!

One big example involves my husband.

It has been a while since I gave an update on my Honey, so I will.
He had his six month checkup at Gaylord on Monday.

The doctor kept shaking her head in amazement through the entire examination.

Ray is clear-headed.
His doctors did not think that was going to be the case.

He can walk without any aids.
The prognosis did not project that to be a likely outcome.

He has some movement in his left hand and can rotate his arm from the elbow down.
Shouldn't be happening!

His doctor is simply amazed and delighted, as his progress goes beyond anything that can be attributed to the medical community.

The glory goes to our God!
So gracious and so loving!

Tonight we had a family dinner to celebrate our son Matthew's birthday, which is tomorrow.
He shares his birthday with my grandmother, who was very, very dear to me.

It was such a gift to have my child born on her birthday.
I knew he was to be named Matthew.

I didn't know what his name meant, so I looked it up.
It means "Gift of God."

With the meaning came a thought from Papa to my heart.
"He is My gift to you on this special day."

Such a loving God
So thoughtful and caring!

My last example comes from Scripture.

I was reading the account, found in Luke Seven, of the woman who wet Jesus' feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. 

Of course, the Pharisee, whose home He was in, was offended by her very presence.

Jesus told His host a story of two debtors.
His summary got me to thinking.
"For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much, but he who is forgiven little, loves little."
I used to think of this in as that some have only sinned a little and just do not have much to be forgiven.
Papa  helped me to see the deeper meaning.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  We learn that in the book of Romans.

When we encounter the Living God our true nature is revealed.
Our sin nature.

It is at that point that we either turn away, refusing to acknowledge our true condition...
Fooling ourselves into thinking that we can atone for those few sins we dare recognize.
We accept the truth of our fallen condition and throw ourselves upon His mercy....
And fall in love with this Giver of good gifts.

It is when we admit the full extent of our fallen state that we receive full pardon.
What a burden is taken off our hearts and souls.

How can we not respond with deep gratitude and love!

Such love requires nothing less.

Now that is one really wonderful example of His love!

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