Sunday, March 13, 2011

True Purification

Ray and I end our day with the devotional "Our Daily Bread" and its recommended scripture reading.  Last night was no exception.  The commentary was focused on the reading from Matthew chapter five and particularly the eighth verse.  And what could that verse have been? 
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
It appears that Papa wasn't done with the subject.  What I received from Him was the assurance that purity of heart comes from recognizing and receiving forgiveness through Jesus, His Son.  First John one, verse nine puts it this way:
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse (purify) us from all unrighteousness."
Our part is to look to Him and we can be certain that He will do the rest.
Such a comfort!  I can rest in Him.

He had a bit more to say to me this morning from the Old Testament book Malachi.
"Who can stand when He appears?  He will be like a refiner's fire."
Oh, oh... More of than refining stuff!  I was hoping for just a lot of time curled up in His lap....

How does all this go together?  How can I find comfort while going through the fire?
As always, by remembering Who this God is that I belong to and follow.  He is utterly trustworthy.  He is faithful no matter what.  He cannot be otherwise.

This One Who calls us to embrace His ways has demonstrated His great love.
Something I was reading by Max Lucado caught my attention this morning.  He spoke of God's generosity and how He doesn't simply give us what we ask for, but what we need, which is much more than we could ever imagine or think to ask for from Him.
We pray for all the concerns of this life, but who among us would have prayed for the sacrifice of Jesus to atone for our sins?  Our God looked beyond what we asked for and saw what we needed. 
We ask for temporal things, things that will pass away; He answers with eternal blessings, eternal truth that lasts for...eternity!

This God is worthy of all we are and have.  He is worthy of lives that reflect and honor Him.  When we do this we discover His heart and in the process we begin to reflect Him to those around us.  Each and every one of these precious people need to encounter Jesus.  If they don't the eternity that awaits them will be devoid of His Presence.
His pure heart cannot bear the thought.  Ours shouldn't either!

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