The word leapt off the page and grabbed my heart.
What kind of word is this? Where is it from? What does it mean?
It is from the language of the Kuria people, who are found in Tanzania.
A dear couple have worked among them for quite a few years. Many of us have been praying for them, as they seek to share the good news with the Kuria.
It has been slow and hard going, but they have patiently loved them and waited for hearts and minds to be open to learn of the Living God. He and His ways have been foreign to these people, but less and less with time.
One of the leaders expressed the desire for them to Gotakia him and his people. He admitted that they had no peace and they need help. He recognized that the message my friend brings them holds the answers they need. When I read the meaning of this word I rejoiced. It means "to invigorate, to shock, to Bring Back to Life!"
God is so amazing and gracious! He is always at work!
I know what it is for God to Gotakia me and I rejoice to hear that He is at work there too. I am so excited for them! This is Good News! There is nothing to compare to it!
It is why I maintain this blog.
At the age of twenty-eight I encountered the Living God and fell in love with Him. How did that happen? He Gotakia-d me!
Since then I have never been the same.
Shortly after being brought back to life I was reading a short devotional that quoted a chorus from a song. It went like this:
My response, as I read it, was to say, "Oh, yes!""What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, Since Jesus came into my heart! I have light in my soul for which I had long sought, Since Jesus came into my heart!"
The change was wonderful; it was one I had been seeking after for a long time.
Only thing is that I hadn't known it.
Yet, deep down I had and my heart of hearts was confirming that truth.
After learning this new word, I spent some time talking with Papa. I have asked Him to Gotakia quite a few people!
You know the spoken word is very powerful.
I have long thought how wrong that old time child's rhyme is. You know the one about "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me?" Words have hurt me many a time.
They have also brought healing and hope.
God created by His spoken Word.
Jesus is The Word.
In John Seventeen Jesus prayed for those who would follow Him. That prayer is as fresh today as when He first spoke it. I believe that prayer echoes through the ages.
God actually stores "the prayers of the saints" under His altar in Heaven.
So I know that when I speak, He listens and doesn't forget what I have asked. If I have been listening to Him and letting His Spirit direct me, then I am asking what He desires and I know that He is at work to bring all of it to pass!
I want to end by sharing the verse that spoke to me this morning. It is found in Ezra the seventh chapter, verse twenty-eight.
"Because the Hand of the LORD my God was on me, I took courage."He is with me, so as I face every day, I seek His face in confidence that I am not alone. The One who did the work of Gatakia in my life will never desert me! We are a team!!
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