Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Papa, they don't trust in You.  They don't see the need.
I want to shout!  I want to point out the foolishness of their idols!

Don't be silly!  There are no idols here!   We are free!
There is little to stir a fruitful conversation.

For the most part I watch and I listen.  My heart grows heavier.

Then You remind me that I asked to be able to see with Your eyes and respond with Your heart.  I am not alone here.  You are with me!  Together we see their hearts and hear the cry emanating with each beat.  And together we can love these dear ones.

All people desire comfort and love.
Alcohol masks as a reliable comforter for many.  What it is is a reliable deceiver.
Love?  Well, many times we do not believe we are lovable anyway.

Years ago I read the book "A Road Less Traveled."  The author's name alludes me, at the moment.  Foster?  I do remember what the premise of the book was and have referred to it often.
We must choose between two paths; one is the well-trodden path.  It is the familiar one.  There is pain there, but pain that we have come to live with to one degree or another; pain that we have learned how to mask.
The other path is also one that holds pain.  However, it is a healing, but unfamiliar pain.  It is scary.
What would it feel like?  Could I bear it?  Would it really bring healing?

That second path is the one where Papa would take us.  I cannot image taking that route without Him.   After all these years I cannot image anything without Him!  That would be scary to me!

A lie that has circulated for a long time it that we have to find our way to that second path on our own.  Once we clean up our act and figure ourselves out, well then God will accept us!

A big fat lie!  To quote one of my favorite verses:  Jesus said - "You can do nothing apart from Me."  Thank you Papa for moving John to write that down!
He reminded me yesterday that it is far better to admit our weakness and helplessness; for then the Power of God engages!  That Power stirs faith and then nothing is impossible!

All we need do is look to Him.  It is then that we begin the grandest adventure we could ever imagine!
It is in turning to Him that we experience the love that we so long to receive, the love that in the deepest part of our hearts we long for and know is waiting to embrace us.

I watched my granddaughter with her newborn.  She was playing with her dolly.  She seemed to be holding back a little, not as nurturing as I had hoped.
Papa reminded me that I, too, had been a momma at the age of nineteen.  Sure I had the past experience of helping to raise younger sisters, but I was still unsure of myself and definitely felt awkward in front of others.
With these remembrances I could then share with Jasmine and I could see her relax.

The biggest hurdle for me was her "girlfriend."  This was something that developed after she found herself pregnant.
There is nothing easy about either of their lives.  The choices they are making are simply compounding everything else.
Papa helped me see this other young woman through His eyes.
So unsure.  So angry.  Feels so unlovely, so unlovable.

They both have a baby to share and focus on.  Papa loves to work through children to demonstrate His love.
May they both, no all three, come to the realization of His great love!

Christmas was on my mind this morning and the thought came to me, through something I read by Manning. Christmas is celebrating God coming to earth, which serves to remind us that He will come again.  When He does we will no longer see "as in a mirror dimly," but face-to-face!

Oh that all would have eyes to see!  Papa give them sight!

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