Friday, December 24, 2010


Christmas Eve!  For me, it comes with a sense of peace and joy and acceptance.
I pray that each one of my dear family and friends feel it too.

In this atmosphere I can enjoy more fully all that God has done and is doing in this family and especially for my husband. 
The doctors had warned that the most dramatic improvements would take place in first six months.  We have passed the eight month mark and it seems that every day, as of late, there is more marked improvement!  Ray can move all his fingers on his left hand now!  He has more clarity of thought regularly too!  My honey is also becoming more independent, with a lot of encouragement from his family!

After Ray and I celebrate with three of our sons and their lovely ladies I will head to West Virginia on Sunday.  There I will visit with our oldest and his family.
There are issues.  Surprise!
What family doesn't have them?
It is my prayer that Papa would be free to love them through me.

Hopefully, I will be afforded time and a computer to check in here once in a while.  I will return home on the thirtieth, LORD willing!

Let me take a few minutes to share what has been going through my mind and filling my heart.
The Christmas Carol, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" has been the theme of my mind's thoughts and my heart's stirrings.

Hark means to listen attentively.  That means give all your attention to it!
Listen closely to what these angels are singing! 
"Glory to the newborn King;  Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!"

This is news worth listening to and taking to heart!  God has come down to bring us into relationship with Himself!  Only He could bring about the reconciliation.  We were and are unable on our own.

Peace on earth!  Doesn't look that way, does it?  Look more closely!  Listen more attentively!
No matter what man is up to, at the moment, when we are reconciled with God, then we indeed have peace!

The song calls us to joyfully rise and join the angelic host to proclaim this Good News,  "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" 
The Christ, which is Greek for Messiah, the promised One, the One we have been waiting for!  (Whether we knew it or not!)

The carol goes on to proclaim Him the everlasting LORD, the incarnate Deity, Emmanuel (God with us!), Prince of Peace, Sun of Righteousness!
This One brings light, life, healing!
This One laid His glories aside so "man no more may die!"  Eternal life!  So much more real than the life we live right now!

Together and one by one let us Listen Closely and then take to heart the Good News which is for each and everyone of us!!
For every individual that does it will be the Merriest Christmas of all!!

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