Monday, October 25, 2010

All Things

We have a greeting card sitting on a shelf that arrived from Ray's aunt a while ago.   In the past six months we have received a plethora of cards.  All of them were sent to express concern and support as we traverse through this adventure.  Many have been displayed at different times.  In the beginning I tried to put them all out, but it became too much, as there are too many!

This card, in particular, tickled me and so it stays on display.
As I was heading to my computer to compose this post the card caught my eye.  I had been thinking about how to begin this entry.
The card is a perfect way to start.  It is a picture of a cat with a bandage over one eye and wrapped around its head.  The cat is also wearing a sling and a few other bits of gauze.
The picture itself, sans the words that accompanied it, was what grabbed me.  It is cute, but it also depicts one coming through a battle.  That certainly is my husband, but not only him.
Can't we all relate at times, without necessarily having had the experience of physical injuries?  Life can be challenging and sometimes it feels like it is coming from all directions at once!  You feel like you haven't time to breathe!

My weekend was spent with my family in New York.  However, first I had to get there...
I was about to give you a blow by blow of the day, but forget it!  Let's just say that, in part, it involved waiting for an extra hour because the cancellation notice was waiting for us on our home phone.

The walk on Saturday went well.  We also raffled off over seventy baskets.  It was well attended. 
Sara was known to buy colored bagels for her students to celebrate different holidays.  The bakery handed out free pink bagels.  This is just an example of how people took part.  My niece is loved by many people.

You know Papa is known to work things out for good, even the really hard things.  I could write for a long time simply listing all He has and is doing.  Let me share one example.
One of my brother-in-laws always kept to himself.  Getting a hello out of him was big.  He definitely was never demonstrative.
Until now.  I have been enjoying getting to know him.  He lingers over conversation now.
That is Papa.

Before heading home yesterday I had the opportunity to spend time with our son, Jon and his girlfriend, Katie.  They live on the Island. 
I love having time with my sons.  Each one has a special woman in their life, so it is an added blessing when they are in attendance.
Unhurried time is the best.  I learn many things during these visits.  Yesterday was no different.
After time with them I always come away armed with material for prayer.

Then I came home...
It seems that whether you go away for a day or two or a full vacation it is never a smooth re-entry.  At least not for me!
I had just pulled into my driveway and my phone rang.  I didn't recognize the number, but answered anyway.  Someone wanted to visit that evening.  They had something for us.  Could they stop by?
I said definitely not! 
Afterward I wondered if I sounded too harsh.  I had said that I had just returned, etc., yet I do not like be short with anyone...

There has been an ongoing saga regarding Ray's medications.  Scripts not called in, not sent to the correct pharmacy, etc.  I thought it was handled, but came home to discover not so and we were out of one med!  Did I say I don't like to be short with anyone??

Never open the mail that is waiting when you just arrive home.  It isn't a good thing to do.
Medical bills that were not handled correctly with insurance.
All of this meant that I had a number of calls to make this morning.

Of course we had a blood test to get done today and I am having neck trouble, so I needed to see my chiropractor.  And Ray didn't want to get up....

Yes, there was also laundry, bills, funds to transfer so no checks bounced and a few other items.  Life doesn't stop.

Late afternoon found me at my optometrist for an exam.  I loath eye exams.  I do not like anything near my eyes and these exams involve many instances of close contact with my eyes! 
Hours after having my eyes dilated I headed out to pick up the corrected prescription.  Every light seemed brighter and stretched out to form stars.  I couldn't wait to get home!

So can I find any evidence of Papa at work through all of this craziness?
I am reminded that I have much for which to be grateful. 
Overall health, healthy eyes, good doctors (eye & chiro!), loving family and friends. 
Above all I am thankful for His indescribable gift!  Himself.
Each day I can turn to Him and I can open His Word and find something He wants to say to me, His precious girl.
This morning He encouraged me to stand firm, as He loves me and gives me eternal comfort and hope.  He is always here for me.  He is my source of comfort and strength. 
I go back to His promise of working everything out for good that is found in the eigth chapter of Romansand know it is a promise for me for I love Him.  If I stand firm I will not miss out on one good thing He has in store for me and my dear ones.
I think I have been rambling here, if so, please forgive me and may something you read spur you to seek Him, to search His Word and draw nearer to Him.  He makes the whole difference!

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