"Above all keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins."
This is found in Peter's first epistle.
Sure love is the greatest of gifts, but how do we stay fervent in our love? Is determination enough?
Do we "just do it," as they say?
In speaking with others who struggle with their emotions I often tell them not to let their feelings be the engine of their lives, but rather the caboose. What a mess we have when we act out of the place we find ourselves emotionally!
So how do we keep all our crazy feelings in their proper place?
How do we consistently do the "next right thing", as my son, Tim, is fond of saying?
Well, Jesus tells us that apart from Him, we can do nothing. Nothing good.
Lately I have felt disconnected from Him. It is disturbing. Unfortunately, it's not the first time.
I have learned that this feeling is deceptive. My God has promised never to leave me or forsake me. So it is only my perception.
Yet, perceptions can and do have an impact on how I go through my day.
Where is this block coming from? Only Papa knows.
Yesterday He reminded me that I have received the Spirit of sonship. And thus I can cry "Abba, Father." He is my Papa, my Daddy. I can trust Him.
So as I go through this valley, this dry spell, I can rest in the knowledge that I am not deserted.
Meanwhile, can I love? Am I apart from Him or connected?
Connected! I know this not because of any feeling, obviously, but because I know He keeps His Word.
I have evidence too. I don't have to recite how He has met me in the past, but can stay in the here and now.
Even though I do not sense His Presence at the moment, His strength and guidance are still evident. At times, I marvel that I respond as I should. That is Him to be sure.
Part of my struggle at the moment is in having to be a little tough with my honey. I don't like the role of "bad cop." It is contrary to my nature. I feel odd. (There's one of those devious feelings!)
Ray is very complacent and would be glad to allow others to do everything for him. He seems content to lay in bed with the TV going in the background for hours on end.
I make him get up.
I make him dress himself
I make him do his therapies.
I am mean - he says.
I hope I am expressing love.
I am deeply grateful for those who come to visit him! It forces him to get out of bed and engage. Yesterday he went out to lunch and visited our friend's horses. Yah!
There is more in Peter's epistle. I am always amazed how much there is to be found in just a few verses from God's Word. You turn a page or two and you have just passed by a ton of rich blessings!
Peter encourages those who follow our precious LORD to remember that Jesus is returning. We can count on it!
Live life with that perspective, pray accordingly, and let love be the motivator. That leads to opening one's home (hospitality) and using your gifts (spiritual and material) to benefit others. And it is all done for His Glory!
As I seek to live this kind of life, my heart finds encouragement and refreshment. This kind of life is a shared life. You and me hanging out together, sharing highs and lows. What a gift!
These thoughts cause me to think of the potluck that is coming soon! Join us on the seventh! By the way, let's make it an Italian theme!
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