During my reading today something Oswald Chambers wrote stirred a thought that came to mind and then refused to be dismissed. "How often do I look at my own or other people's limitations and project the evaluation onto what my God can or cannot do?"
Life is not for the faint of heart to be sure! It can also be filled with great disappointment.
Unless a person fixes their eyes, mind and heart on the Living God. Yes, on Him and Him alone! He is unlimited. Scripture tells us that "Nothing is impossible with God."
It is critical to remember who this God is too. He is the faithful One. He is the God who loves to bless and has good plans for each one of us.
He loves us so much that He went to great expense and sacrifice to make the way for us to be in relationship with Him.
He has brought two things to my attention.
I had asked my honey out on a date. He didn't know why we wanted to go out, but I told him he couldn't refuse a "hot" date, so he agreed to go.
For all the years of our relationship we have made a habit of going on 'dates' where we could talk without distraction.
As we all know, this man is not the talker he had been. He will respond to you in conversation, but with much fewer words than he would have in the pre-accident days.
During therapy yesterday Ray's OT person had told him that they are going to stop this particular therapy soon, as there is no marked improvement in his arm.
Ray is still thinking that it will recover and that life is just on hold for now. I asked him what he planned to do should the arm not come back. He said that he will become very familiar with all the reruns that TV has to offer. Not the response that I was hoping to hear!
I encouraged him to find something to occupy himself with now. I long to see him rejoin life! He shared that he might attempt a few things except for the pain in his arm.
The pain is not constant, but is regular and any exertion causes more of it.
Here I had gotten into feeling sorry for my lot in life and had forgotten what my husband was going through. I think this is probably a common malady for caregivers. The day in, day out of the same old thing can cause one's view of things to glaze over.
What my husband is experiencing was the first thing Papa brought back into focus for me. With that refocus comes the desire to discover what our God has for us in and through all of this, particularly what He has for Ray.
The answer still seems to be people.
I am so grateful for those who Papa has in our life. There are friends who faithfully spend time with Ray, even those who live out of state and find time to visit. Thank You Father!
Another thought had crossed my mind. My whole life has been filled with a variety of challenges. Many times I wondered to what purpose. Now I can say, "For His Glory."
The lives of the prophets of the Old Testament often were messages to God's people. He would work through their lives in a way that fleshed out what He wanted His people to learn.
What if my life is like that? What if my Papa is using my life to flesh out messages for others?
I felt like the LORD was asking me this. My response? Yes!
This makes it all worth while.
I do know that nothing comes my way that He isn't allowing. It all has a purpose. I know that one purpose is to make and mold me into who He has designed me to be. How wonderful if it touches other lives too!
This life is temporary. The life that awaits me in glory is beyond anything I can imagine. Sorrow is temporary. Joy is guaranteed in that glorious morning.
So Papa, have Your way.
I trust You.
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