Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tenacity is essential to be able to navigate the crazy course of this adventure called life.  My God calls me to be tenacious and then supplies what is needed for me to be so.
Papa brought this subject to my attentiuon on Monday morning and then underscored it.  As I think about it, He has been dropping hints for a while now and finally gave it to me with both barrels!

I opened Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" and was reminded that no matter what it looks like I need to and can hang on, standing firm, because I know that my God will prevail.  Psalm forty-six, verse ten was referenced which tells us to "be still and know that I am God."  It takes tenacity, at times, to be still and focus!

With that I looked to see what treasure Papa had for me in Max Lucado's devotional "Grace for the Moment."  What might I have found there?  Yes, more on the subject, but with a twist.  My God is tenacious.  He has taken up residence in my life and He is not moving!  Praise God!
Of course, David Jeremiah's thoughts in his book "Sanctuary", spoke of not wavering from the joy of proclaiming the Good News.

As you might recall, I am in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, which has been refered to as "The Hall of Faith."  In just a few verses I read of a number of people who stayed faithful.
There was Abel, who didn't take any short cuts, but chose God's way.
Enoch's witness was pleasing to God.  You see faith pleases Him.
Reverent obedience caused Noah to look for eternal things of which he would be an heir.
Abraham's obedience was the result of his faith.  He expected God's promises to be fulfilled.  And his wife, Sarah did her part in faith that God was faithful.
Not one of them was focused upon merely the temporal, but looked to the One Who held eternity in His Hands.

Why was Papa emphasizing this message to me right now?  Because He wanted to encourage me to keep on keeping on.

One of my favorite roles in life is that of a momma.  It is a deep and great source of joy to me.  It is also one of the sources of the deepest grief I have ever known.
Each day finds me praying for my children.  With every new day one of them receives some extra focus in my prayers for them.  Promises from the Word of God have been claimed for them individually.  Papa and I confer regarding what their particular needs are and then we give them special attention.
Recently I have been praying for my youngest to desire to draw nearer to our God.  Sunday night he spoke of that desire to me!
Papa often does that for me.  He gives me a glimpse that assures me that He is hearing and answering my prayers.  He is so gracious!
I have learned, but need to be reminded, that He is always at work, whether I recognize it or not.

I was in the midst of exulting in all my God had spoken to me when my phone rang.  It was the girlfriend of another son.  This son has an addiction problem that he has not dealt with. 
The call was not good news.  Things are unraveling for my precious son.  His girl sobbed out the story to me.  My heart broke for them both.
Another call came again this morning with more heartbreak.
I hate addiction!  I am tired of the whole subject!!  It has cursed both my husband's and my family for generations.
When will it end?!

It ends one person at a time.
In the Old Testament God says that "the sins of the fathers will be carried to the third and fourth generation, BUT..."
"To those who love me I will show my lovingkindness."
That is the chain breaker!
As a person turns to the Almighty God and cries out in faith for help, He answers.  He answers exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond anything we could ever ask or think!
What is so amazing to me is that He knows that on our own we do not have the strength to chose Him, so He draws us through whatever means is necessary.

Knowing my God gives me the confidence needed to be tenacious.  I have learned that the paths that I am loathe to walk have been known to end up with the most joy in the end.  Yes! Joy comes in the morning!!
So I am willing to release my son to walk the path he and I both hate to find him on, for I know it is the path of healing.
I will be tenacious for both of us!

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