Remember "Where's Waldo?" Well, how about playing "Where's Debbie?"
It would be too easy though. All you have to do is look in my house.
Yes, that's right my house!
I am getting closer to leaving though. Yesterday I made it all the way to the airport! Of course, right after being dropped off I received the cancellation notice! Thank God that I reached my ride before he went very far!
Now I am scheduled to leave Thursday at two in the afternoon. Tomorrow's weather looks promising.
So far.
This change meant that I needed to push out my return also. Not too difficult.
The challenge came in rearranging all my arrangements, which I had already rearranged once!
My life never is dull.
I am very thankful for friends! Otherwise the adventure would be too much for this trekker!
It has been on my mind to schedule another "potluck" and will soon. Once I return home and get a couple of family parties behind me I will be eager to see some familiar and not so familiar faces!
Something else has been percolating in this brain and heart of mine.
A home group. People gathering to share their love of Papa. Food could be involved. Definitely music, prayer, scripture, discussion, worship; lots of worship!
Any thoughts?
There is a place to comment, you know, below this posting. Use it!
And if you are shy use my email address:
We love company! After all that is one of the reasons Papa gave us our house.
During my time with Jesus this morning He had me exploring the story of "The Rich Young Ruler", which is found in the nineteenth chapter of Matthew. The young man wanted to be sure he'd get into heaven, but he wouldn't let go of his "riches" long enough to grasp what really held value.
Papa reminded me that I need to hold everything very loosely. A clenched fist is never a good thing.
It made me think of a story that I heard a long time ago. A child had reached into a valuable vase to grasp something in its bottom. His hand got hold of it and he held it tightly in his fist.
The only problem was that he could not pull his hand out unless he opened it up. He refused to give up his treasure and subsequently the vase had to be broken.
What was in his hand? Some pebbles.
The beautiful, costly vase was sacrificed for a few pebbles.
If he had opened his hand up, both treasures could have been enjoyed!
My life is rich, filled with many blessings that are far more valuable than pebbles, yet in face of
"the hope of His calling (of me), what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His Power toward us (me) who believe," they are not even little stones.
May my hand always be found open and offering the "treasures" of this life for His glory!
Hi Debbie, I'm glad to hear you're going to be doing potlucks again! I've been thinking about a kind of Bible studies I'd love to attend - maybe we can talk! - Joan