Monday, January 10, 2011

Day One

The book writing adventure has begun, albeit a little off schedule this first day.... But after all, it is my birthday! 
However, I am determined to treat this like a job.  Mindy and I were joking, at breakfast this morning, that if it is a job, then showing up late on the first day is not exactly starting off on the right foot!
I thought posting here would be a good place to begin.

Something I read this morning got me to thinking about my approach to writing.  It is not about me, the writer, just like it isn't about me, the mother, wife, friend, etc.  It is simply about being attentive to Papa's Spirit; yielding to His direction.  I do best when I keep in mind that I may be doing the writing, but it is my God who is doing the composing of that writing.

My God amazes me.  I am amazed that He would be interested in me and what I do.  He desires to be intimately involved in every detail of my life.  So cool!
Yesterday while reading "My Utmost for His Highest," by Oswald Chambers the thought occurred to me that the LORD God reaches the uttermost depths of my soul and there finds my highest desires and breathes life into those depths and desires.  He is not only with me, but in me and knows me better than I know myself.
There are longings in each of our hearts that we aren't even aware of, but He is.

Once I had met and fallen in love with Jesus I came across a refrain from a song, which rang very true for me.  It was "Since Jesus came into my heart, I have light in my soul which long I had sought..."  I hadn't know that I was seeking this Light (Jesus), but once I found it (Him) or should I say, He found me (!), I knew it was true!  I had such a void, a longing that was God-sized, nothing else satisfied or fit.  Only a relationship with Him could satisfy the need.

From the position of Papa's arms I now desire to view everything from His perspective.  Instead of holding tightly to my "treasures" I see them as coming from Him and having been placed in my life as a stewardship.  He has entrusted His "treasures" to me! 
What are these treasures?  Relationships first and foremost, along with abilities and their potential; followed up with all the "things" of this life.
My desire is to keep in mind that "I'm just a passin' thru..."  I do not want to settle for the temporary for my soul is restless for the glorious permanent - eternity!"
He knows the path that I am to take.  He knows each step of it.  With Him it can be a journey of joy; one of true satisfaction.  I have tasted such satisfaction and I want more of it!
One of my favorite verses is found in the twenty-third chapter of Job.
"But He knows the way I take;
When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
Yes, we are tried, but the trial is worth its weight in gold! 
The secret is to remember what we read in Jeremiah. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope."  His plans involve eternity!  They involve seeing Him face-to-face and getting to hang out with Him forever!

I like to be reminded regularly who this One is that I put all my trust in.
I am involved with a weekly Bible study group and we are studying some of the Names of God.  Tonight the study is focusing on His Name "I AM" and though I will not be attending (my family is taking me out to dinner to celebrate the big six-o) I did do the homework.  I am so glad that I did!

Back in Exodus, the third chapter, we find Moses asking God Who he should say was sending him to set God's people free.  God said tell to them "I AM" sent you.  
What does that name mean? 
The ever-present One.  The God who always was and always will be.

Jesus referred to Himself as the I Am too. 
I am....
the Messiah
the Son of the Living God
the bread of life....
the light of the world...
the gate for the sheep...
the good shepherd...
the resurrection and the life...
the way and the truth and the life...
the true vine, and my Father is the gardener...
Son of Man...
the Alpha and Omega...
the First and the last...
the Beginning and the end...

As I worked my way through this study I become more excited!
I dug in a little deeper and discovered more treasure!
In John fifteen this is what I learned about Jesus, the I am...
     Cleanser by His Word
     Joy Giver
     Prayer releaser
In John eighteen I was reminded that He is Powerful!


Alright, now I am ready to begin that book....

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