Walking through a parking lot I saw a woman headed in my direction.
She did not look like someone that you would want to tangle...
Her face wore a scowl that gave the impression of being permanent.
Her steps were planted, one-by-one, with such force that I would not have been surprised if they were accompanied by sound effects!
It struck me that the words to go with the steps, which might have been running through her subconscious were these:
(Yes, the words would definitely be on the large size.)
As this person passed by me I got a glimpse of the words on the back of her t-shirt:
The only reason to ask such a question would be if it would have made her stop and think.
However, that would take a lowering of her defenses and, if I were to make a guess, she had been fortifying them for a good long time!
My heart went out to her.
I did want to speak with her.
Actually, I wanted to give her a twenty-second hug!
Those hugs last just long enough for you to feel something relax in the recipient...
I wonder when this broken woman last relaxed?
Even though I do not know this person personally I feel pretty certain what the core issue is that has her so angry.....
She does not know she is loved.
They all lead to us putting up walls for self-protection.
All the energy that it takes to erect those walls feeds the anger that builds inside of us.
So after I gave that hurting one the hug I would have told her:
Each one of us has a master whether we recognize it or not.
If it isn't the Living God, it isn't a good master....
He is the Master that makes us willing to follow His rules.
We'd also discuss the importance of rules.....
No one would like to be in an airplane whose pilot decided he didn't want to land on the tarmac, would they?
Neither would we want to be on roads where no one followed any rules...
(Wait!! That sounds like Cambodia!)
(All I can say about that is that I knew Papa had His girl covered. It was the only explanation for my survival!)
During my readings today I found myself in 1 Samuel 16.
There I read the familiar story of Samuel seeking out the one the LORD would have him anoint king of Israel.
Samuel was impressed with the very first son, Eliab, Jesse presented to him. The Lord rejected this son and reminded Samuel that He did not judge by appearances, but He looked upon the heart.
May we see through His eyes and look beyond the walls that so many have erected!
Our Lord calls to each one...
She did not look like someone that you would want to tangle...
Her face wore a scowl that gave the impression of being permanent.
Her steps were planted, one-by-one, with such force that I would not have been surprised if they were accompanied by sound effects!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
It struck me that the words to go with the steps, which might have been running through her subconscious were these:
"Take that world!!"
(Yes, the words would definitely be on the large size.)
As this person passed by me I got a glimpse of the words on the back of her t-shirt:
I would have liked to ask her how that was working for her, but really it was obvious.NO MASTERS!!
The only reason to ask such a question would be if it would have made her stop and think.
However, that would take a lowering of her defenses and, if I were to make a guess, she had been fortifying them for a good long time!
My heart went out to her.
I did want to speak with her.
Actually, I wanted to give her a twenty-second hug!
Those hugs last just long enough for you to feel something relax in the recipient...
I wonder when this broken woman last relaxed?
Even though I do not know this person personally I feel pretty certain what the core issue is that has her so angry.....
She does not know she is loved.
They all lead to us putting up walls for self-protection.
All the energy that it takes to erect those walls feeds the anger that builds inside of us.
So after I gave that hurting one the hug I would have told her:
"Hey, there I have some really GOOD NEWS to share with you!!!"
"YOU ARE LOVED!!"I would explain to her that there is One who is THE MASTER and He is good.
Each one of us has a master whether we recognize it or not.
If it isn't the Living God, it isn't a good master....
He is the Master that makes us willing to follow His rules.
We'd also discuss the importance of rules.....
No one would like to be in an airplane whose pilot decided he didn't want to land on the tarmac, would they?
Neither would we want to be on roads where no one followed any rules...
(Wait!! That sounds like Cambodia!)
(All I can say about that is that I knew Papa had His girl covered. It was the only explanation for my survival!)
During my readings today I found myself in 1 Samuel 16.
There I read the familiar story of Samuel seeking out the one the LORD would have him anoint king of Israel.
Samuel was impressed with the very first son, Eliab, Jesse presented to him. The Lord rejected this son and reminded Samuel that He did not judge by appearances, but He looked upon the heart.
May we see through His eyes and look beyond the walls that so many have erected!
Our Lord calls to each one...
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."I like how The Message puts this passage from Matthew 11:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll discover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."Now isn't that just what that dear woman needs? Isn't He what we all need?