Friday, November 11, 2011

Part of the Equation

This day marks Ray’s and my thirty-third wedding anniversary. 

They have been full years.  There have been many challenges and blessings; many opportunities to draw nearer to Papa.

In C S Lewis' final book of his Narnia series, “The Final Battle” Aslan (a Christ figure) calls out to his followers to…

“….come further up, come further in.”

That call has been a constant in my life.  Jesus has used all that has filled our life to call to me, over and over.

I praise His Holy Name!

Many watching from the sidelines of our life together were certain that our marriage couldn’t last or definitely would not be anything of substance.

They neglected to factor God into the equation!  Nothing is impossible with God!  Even when He has to work with two, very rough around the edges, individuals!

Papa tells us through Isaiah, in the fifty-fifth chapter, the ninth verse,

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways.”

I have sought to pray as David prayed in Psalm twenty-five ,

“Make me know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths.”

Something I am learning is that everything that comes into our life is intended to become a blessing.

We are called to respond by blessing our God, but as David, as king, prayed in First Chronicles, all that we have comes from Him.  All we can offer Him is what He has given us.

Once anything is in our hands it seems to become marred.  However, if we offer it back to Him, He restores it, making it new and beautiful.

The gift of faith enables us to see the beauty before and as it is being formed.

Being His child, being able to address Him as Papa, Daddy, reflects the kind of relationship the blood of Jesus has brought me into. 

A relationship of intimacy, tenderness, dependence and complete lack of fear or anxiety.

So as He is  tending to our transformation  individually and as a couple, we can rest in Him!

Whatever the next thirty-three years holds, I know Who will be part of the equation!

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