It is extremely difficult for me to see the lone tree when looking at the whole forest.
I realized that this helps explain why I do not enjoy shopping.
Looking for a particular shampoo, salad dressing, etc? Sigh...among all those many varieties on all those shelves??
It doesn't even have to be a forest.
I overlook items that are right in front of me all the time.
Even if I am looking for them....
Over time this disability has and then I have been known to be looking for something that is already in my hand....
There is another aspect to this whole thing...
The emotional one...
Ray had a checkup today at Gaylord.
Everyone is always so excited by how well he is doing.
The people at Gaylord are true cheerleaders.
The doctor was very pleased and surprised to see that my Honey can move the fingers on his left hand a bit more than he could in June. His hand has to be in a certain position and then he can move his fingers toward his hand.
Her suggestion is that he try to "use" the hand as much and often as possible.
He can do that by placing his hand next to a plate or bowl, for example, and allow his fingers to hold it in place.
After the appointment I needed to examine what was going on with me.
I often feel irritated after visiting a doctor with Ray.
Could it be that I am a little challenged when it comes to seeing the trees from the forest where my husband's recovery is concerned?
Every day I see Ray struggle.
The doctor was happy and surprised to hear that he vacuums the pool.
Yeah it's great. He does get it done, but I cannot watch the process.
My once strong, sure-footed husband stumbles, gets dizzy and takes a long time to get the job done.
He does get it done, for the most part. And that is what I should focus on.
There are reminders every single day of the things he can no longer do.
It makes me sad.
I am grateful that none of this weighs heavily on his mind.
The doctor says it is a combination of the TBI and the medications he is on.
It is a blessing for him.
The blessing for me is that I am more aware of my reliance upon Jesus.
Yes, blessing!
Anything that drives us closer to Him and causes us to look to Him more fully is definitely a blessing!
I must confess that it isn't always my first response.
My first response is to clean...
Not just surfaces; give me closets, drawers, anything and everything!
My specialty is de-cluttering and making things really clean.
One of my favorite fun movies is "My Big, Fat Greek Wedding."
It occurred to me the other day that I have something in common with her father.
He relied on Windex to solve all ills..
Her father used it to clean, polish...Oh, a zit?? Windex to the rescue!!
By the end of the movie the father had won over her fiancee. :)
For me it isn't is one part bleach to three parts water...
I haven't tried it on zits yet...though I bet it would work!
I picture Papa nudging one of the angels and saying.."Oh, oh she's got that spray bottle again!
We'll let her tackle those counters before we reel her in and remind her that those aren't the trees she needs to focus on..."
"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city." Revelation Twenty-Two, verse fourteen.My robe is as white as snow because of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. No matter the disappointments and sorrow of this life there is a tree waiting for me in Heaven and it represents the eternal life that is mine in my Precious Savior! Oh Papa, help me to see beyond the forest of this life to focus on that tree!
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