Ray grinned today!! And what could have caused that? His good buddy, James, came to visit! Our dear friend simply filled Ray in on what he's been up to these days, which always includes a multitude of adventures! He told him that they each were owners, once again, of a pig. James likes to acquire stuff, good stuff, mind you; stuff that he can fix and turn into a little profit. When he started mentioning a few of these items, that is when Ray grinned!
Yes, Ray is awake and he indicated that he is bored! He is not someone that sits around very well, but needs to be occupied. When I think about what he usually would be busy with, most of it involves working with his hands. Whether fixing someone's computer, repairing and maintaining our home, organizing ACTS 4's warehouse or helping someone in need, he was on the move, using his hands.
Even when he wasn't physically involved with something or someone, he usually had something to say. Nobody will disagree with that, I am sure! So there my honey lies, his mind awake, but not able to express himself as of yet; no real talking (yet), no fixing or helping (yet), and not able to even do for himself (yet!). Ask Papa for ideas that I can use that will help relieve the boredom.
Ray's mom, Shirley, is so frustrated that she has not been able to be here. I think it is a blessing, as it would have been very difficult for her to see him in such condition, especially until the past few days. It also would have been exhausting for her. I know it wears me out! Mom has been in pain with her back, some sort of thinning of the discs, she received a cortezone shot yesterday and so far, no good. She needs a touch from Papa.
The focus for Ray now is to be able to swallow on command and to become at ease with speaking with the trach. I heard him say yes today, but it seems to take a whole lot of energy on his part. He would not say anything beyond that one word.
Speaking of words our Gracious God had some encouraging Words for us today. In 2 Kings 7:3-11 four lepers discovered a treasure trove and after a time realized that they had to share this good news and not keep the blessings to themselves. Papa is blessing us and, I believe, it is only the beginning. He is going to raise my husband up and work through him to share the blessings!
This morning He reminded me that His love it truly incomprehensible; it is so deep, it is fathomless; so wide, as far as east is from west in its breadth (think about it); so high, it reaches far beyond the heavens! If God is for us, who can be against us?
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