Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Worth of a Soul

Since my plans have changed I have had the opportunity to spend more time on campus. Each morning is chapel and yesterday I was able to give a word of encouragement to these precious students. This morning I gave my testimony, which I hope touched hearts. I know that the testimony I heard last night touched me.
A young Lao man, who will remain nameless, shared his story last night. Laos is a communist country where the people are monitored very closely. You can imagine what that means for a Christian. Whenever there is a school break students either go home and hopefully minister there or sign up for some sort of outreach. This young man goes home, because he is needed by his family and church. The church is hurting for leaders and he certainly has the gift of leadership and evangelism.
Periodically the students all need to renew their visas. The Lao students need to do it more often and the yearly cost is greater than the cost of attending the school! These are very poor people. During one of the breaks this particular Lao man was home and preaching at an underground church when it was raided and he had to jump out a window and then work his way back to the school without stopping anywhere to renew his visa. That meant that he had to go back soon after returning to do this, which added to his expenses. His Christmas break was bitter sweet. He had the opportunity to minister and to see God do many wonderful things in many lives, yet he also witnessed the death of his fifteen year old sister. They do not know what killed her. The father tried to borrow some money to rent a vehicle to get her help, but could not do it in time. She knew she was dying and on her death bed she encouraged her family to be faithful to the LORD and remember she is going to be with Jesus.
Since coming back to school the young man has struggled with concentrating as he grieves the loss of his sister. This was the third sibling to die.
As he spoke my heart moved within me. I was able to pray for him and found it to be a very humbling experience. How much I take for granted. How many luxuries I have. How many choices are mine to make. I pray that I do not go back to my life in the US unchanged or that I would forget easily what God is showing me.

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