Monday, October 1, 2012

Wide Awake

I haven't had one of these nights in quite a while....
It is two in the morning and I am awake; really awake, with no feeling of being sleepy.

I was sound asleep when our Sushi girl began to throw her fluffy, white body against our bedroom door; alternating with clawing at said door accompanied with plaintive cries.
All the commotion called me rather abruptly out of a deep sleep.
Never a good thing.

By the time I had investigated the problem and resolved it (Sushi couldn't find our little Stir-Fry and she was lonely!), I was wide awake.
To be honest, I didn't actually resolve anything.  Stir-Fry simply appeared after I had wondered through the entire house with his worried friend.
Back to bed I went to toss and turn for about an hour.

Being awake in the middle of the night is a good opportunity to pray.
There is never a lack of material for prayer!
Tonight was no different.

I had been praising Papa all evening for some news I had received.
It was regarding a precious young woman, who has been in my prayers for about twelve years.

This young woman carries much hurt and guilt in her heart, which she has allowed to drive her away from any belief in God.
She seemed like a really hard case, but I know that nothing is too difficult for my God.

I heard that she is attending a church and a change is evident in her after just a couple of weeks of attendance!
The information was shared with me in passing, but my response was far from casual.
I could barely contain myself!
Tears sprung to my eyes and my heart rejoiced at the evidence and the reminder that God is always at work.
How faithful and loving and good He is!!

What a privilege to pray!  
What a gift to be able to bring all our concerns to Papa!
All made possible because of Jesus!

As I laid there praying, name upon name came to me...

My good friend who heads a ministry....
Individual after individual who takes part in that ministry...
The dear ones at the rehab...
The new client whose voice and body shook as he asked for prayer...
Nineteen year old momma of two, who is homeless and clueless...
My husband who has increased movement in his arm, yet increased pain to go with it....

Then came the other issues...
More month than money...
What to cut?  Find a job?  Doing what?

Not thoughts to entertain in the middle of the night...
So I turned to this week's menu, which led me to thinking of the coming weekend's camping trip....

Wasn't I praying??

How easily one can slip from prayer; bringing all our cares to Him; to just tossing them about in our heads and hearts until both are stirred up, but nothing is lifted up.

I think I will head back to bed now and lift my head and heart, as well as all my concerns up to the One who changes lives and with whom nothing is impossible!  Sleepy or wide awake, that is where I want to rest.

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