To turn on the heat or not, that is the question?
Quite often the putting on of layers wins out over the burning of oil.
The past couple of days have been overcast and damp, which means even though the thermometer registers a not very cold temperature, the air is chilled.
Layers work for the most part, however not today.
Though the temperature is a reasonable fifty-five outside my door and sixty-six degrees indoors I am freezing. (That is Fahrenheit).
I think I am under the weather. No, I am certain that I am.
And it has nothing to do with the actual weather.
I am freezing and my stomach and a few connecting organs are waging a battle within.
While some run a fever, mine is known to run the other way.
The oral thermometer reads ninety-seven point one.
No wonder I am so cold. There is ice in my veins!
With a warm mug of tea in hand I want turn our thoughts to a subject that Papa has been speaking to me about for a while now. and which seems appropriate for the day.
Papa has brought a number of teachings my way on the subject.
For me the crux of the issue is not whether God is able to heal everyone of all physical ailments.
Of course He can!
Neither is it whether He is willing.
Of course He is!
I believe the definition of healing is the issue.
Our God is after much more for us than simply a whole body.
Yes, it is easy for me to say since I have been fortunate to have good health.
I do not consider the occasional bug anything worthy of complaint.
Yet, I have experienced other battles, which could have just as easily been vanquished by my God in an instant and which would have brought Him much glory.
However, hindsight definitely comes with twenty-twenty vision.
Our God sees the whole person; body, soul and spirit.
Jesus said it best in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter Sixteen, verses Twenty-Four and following,
"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it. For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? "Often we put too much value on the physical world while essentially denying the reality of soul and spirit.
And eternity.
He has called us to...
"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth."This does not mean we are to "be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good", nor does it mean that He does not want us to enjoy this life.
He wants us to seek Him for all things and revel in the truth that He is all we need.
How He satisfies the soul that discovers this truth and holds onto it!
I have come to learn that Papa has a purpose for all that He allows to touch His child's life.
And He intends to work it all out for good!
Do not think I am drawing a picture of a life of passivity!
Rather one of activity, brimming with life!
You cannot read anywhere in Scripture where we are called to be other than active in our living of the life He has given us.
Even being still before Him means we are engaging with Him.
It is not, as many other religions teach, an emptying oneself and mind to be carried off into some state of dry emptiness, but an opening up to the One who can fill us to overflowing with Living Water!
It is at such times that I have received much healing.
At times it has been physical, but more significant to me, many times healing has come to my soul and spirit.
Such healing brings a wholeness that goes beyond anything we could experience physically.
This morning I was reflecting on the journey that the Israelites took through the wilderness and how something that could have been realized in about forty days took forty years.
Because of unbelief.
Our gracious God spoke to my heart this morning and reminded me that His children are no different today.
He intends so much blessing for His children, yet we settle for so much less.
Often we do not believe He could possibly mean for us to be the recipients, as we are unworthy. At other times, I think, we believe we can attain it on our own. Then there is, also, the lie that whispers that there is no more to be had.
In the opening verses of the Old Testament book of Joshua the LORD speaks to Joshua and assures Him that he can have all that he claims.
He also tells Joshua that he must be strong and courageous.
As our faith is engaged, we can be bold, for faith reminds us that our God is with us. Just as He was with Joshua.
What is the Living God calling you to claim today?
Step out in faith and receive it. It is yours for the taking!
Yes, healing comes in all sizes and shapes.
Often it is the healing of our faith.
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