Friday, January 13, 2012

Ordinary Days

It has been a roller coaster kind of week.

Some high points that lent a beautiful view...
Of loving hearts...

Hearing from a dear friend in Thailand thanks to Skype...
Tim insisting on preparing dinner on my actual birth day...
Calls from each of my sons on my special day...
Birthday cards with very sweet messages from very dear people...
Breakfast with a friend, whose love for those she serves in the far away country of Cambodia so blessed mine...
Gathering with a few friends at ACTS4 for prayer, who share Papa's love for this wonderful ministry...
Lunch with a dear friend who insisted I eat the whole eclair(!)...
Early morning worship and prayer with my prayer partner...
Prayer with a precious friend struggling over his daughter's lifestyle choices, yet savouring the closer walk he is enjoying with his LORD....
A doctor taking time to assuage our (my) concerns over Ray's new health issue...

After all of that could there have been time for any lows?

A few...
Using a gift certificate at a spa, where I felt like a duck out of water; where the facial gave me the sensation of fire ants on my face (!) and it ending up costing quite a bit more than the gift(!)...
No writing happening this entire week...
Unkind words that caused me to feel unlovely...
Finding that our home phone was turned off because the cable people have no idea what they are doing...
The very helpful repair man discovering that Matt and Mindy's new business number for their place was connected to their former line at our house which meant no calls went through that day ...
A consuming concern for a son who is destroying his body primarily via the bottle...

That last one, of course, trumps all the rest...

I was reading Jill Carrantini's commentary this morning.  Her topic was "ordinary days", as delineated by the church calendar.
This calendar marks the time of year we are in now as ordinary. 
Not a special time such as Christmas or Easter.

We might consider many of our days as ordinary.
You might think that what I described above would not fall in that category, but, trust me, it is pretty typical of my life!

What would I consider an extraordinary day?
Actually, every day would qualify!
How could a day be anything but extraordinary if the Living God is in it?

Every single day should be extraordinary.
It is up to us.
If we don't look beyond the ups and downs of life, we will settle for the ordinary.

We must be diligent in watching for Him in the moments of our day.
I love how Proverbs Thirteen, verse four puts it,
"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is made fat."
I want a fat soul!
And I do not need to eat eclairs to get one!

According to that Proverb the diligent one:
Accepts discipline...
      Okay Papa I will let go of the unkind thoughts and choose to overlook and forgive his words...
Guards her mouth...
      I will not retaliate....
      I will rejoice, in confidence, that You only allow that which will You intend to turn into a blessing....
      And that You are more concerned for my loved ones than I ever could be....
Receives counsel....
       I will trust Your Word and obey...
Is righteous..
       All because of Jesus!

With Him everything is extraordinary..
       Including each one of us!!!!

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