Thursday, January 26, 2012

Little Things

"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much."
The address in the Bible for this verse is the Sixteenth chapter of Luke, the Tenth verse.

Papa has been speaking to me about little things.

If I don't let the little things rile me, if I don't skip over the small stuff on my quest for the bigger and better, well then I will learn faithfulness.
And when the big stuff comes I'll be ready!
Ready to face it or embrace it.
Face the tough things and embrace the good.

Frances J. Roberts writes in her book "Progress on Another Pilgrim,"
"Build inner faith from the lesser challenges, and it will be your delivering angel in the most challenging moment."
Inner faith is built not just by the hard things, but in discovering the loving faithfulness of our gracious God in every moment of our lives.

Jesus lived what He taught.
He made every moment count.
He didn't miss a thing.
Just read the Gospels and you'll agree.

So I have a living example!

Another example has been found in the book I am reading "One Thousand Gifts."

This morning Papa made it clear that He would like me to more than admire Ann Voskamp's words.
I opened another book this morning, as part of my devotional time.  It is a book I have mentioned before, "When I am in His Presence."

I am working my way through the book one entry at a time.  The entries are short ones, but enough to get me thinking.
Today's reading was a short prayer of thanks to the LORD; thanks for the beautiful music He fills her life with. 
Music of loving voices and beautiful creatures.

So I started my list.
Here is what I have thus far for today:

A hot cup of deep, dark tea...
The first hint of the light of morning...
Signs of new, healthy growth on a houseplant...
Three bulbs in a pot that have burst forth with flowers whose petals are so numerous it would be a challenge to count them....
The colors of the bulbs refreshing my sight, so delicate and fresh....
Two white-tailed deer dancing together in a field...

Thank You, Papa for the lovely gifts!

Stopping to discover and acknowledge these little gifts has refreshed my spirit already!
Each one piles up within me, layer upon layer, filling me, strengthening me, causing me to rejoice!

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