It is always fun to be with his brother and wife, Jeff and Audrey, as well as their family.
Time away from home affords the opportunity to relax and forget all the daily duties of one's life.
The computer is a big part of my daily routine. I did not miss it, for the most part. Being separated from my laptop for a few days was a relief and yet difficult at the same time.
It seems that as soon as I am not in a position to post to this blog I have something I am excited about that I want to share....
Papa has had more for me to experience regarding His Omnipresence.
Often I use the time behind the wheel to talk with Papa and meditate upon truths that He has been revealing to me. Saturday morning was one of those times.
Ray was dozing, worship music was playing and I was enjoying the pleasure of some one-on-one with Papa. He, once again, brought to my mind the thoughts about Him being absolutely everywhere. As I reflected on this wonderful truth I experienced something that I will try to put into words.
"Experienced" is the best word I can come up for what happened.
I "saw" that all places and even non-places are pregnant with God. He is not just here or there, as in taking up space, but everywhere is pulsing with the Life of God. Part of a verse from the seventeenth chapter of the Book of ACTS came to me:
"for in Him we live and move and have our being..."...whether we are aware of it or not. What a gift to be aware!
I was reminded of one of my favorite and oft quoted scenes from "The Final Battle," the last book of "The Chronicles of Narnia," by C. S. Lewis.
Some of the followers of Aslan had been locked up in an old, dirty and dark barn. The walls collapsed once the battle ended with Aslan victorious over all His foes. He called to those now set free to follow Him and go up higher and in deeper to His Glorious Kingdom. The sun shone brightly, the air reverberated with life and joy. As they ran to follow Aslan they felt more alive than ever.
Not all left the remnants of the barn though...The dwarfs sat in a circle refusing to "see" what had and was happening around them. To them they were still in that depressing barn.
There are many sitting in darkness and despair right now, when all they need do is be willing to look the One who waits to vanquish the darkness and flood their lives with His Life and Light.
Often I am around those who have not experienced the joy of knowing Jesus. Life is much darker and rings hollow without the knowledge of His love and the sense of His Presence. How sad to see others not knowing the One who offers life, abundant life; a life that is pregnant with Himself!
It hit me afresh just how blessed I am! He is mine and I am His!! How privileged I am to be conscious that I live and move and have my being in Him!
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