The connection is not obvious on first glance at the scribbling that I have highlighted since last Friday.
However, Papa being Papa, He tied it together for me in one fell swoop.
Many a time I will go from having no clue to having not only a thought, but the whole picture given to me all at once. In those times it feels like I have always known it and it just came to the surface. If I didn't know better I'd believe it, as the person in charge of the information in my cranium is way behind on filing and who even knows what is in there anymore?!
However, I do know better. Actually, I know my God. I know that He is far wiser than I.
Let me share the disconnected thoughts and tie them together, as He did for me.
Repentance needs to be a continual practice.
If we measure our worth by our possessions, then we will never own enough.
Often our own worst enemy is us. If we do not recognize this, we distance ourselves from our God.
Obedience must mark my steps, grace is to season them.
Our Creator's design for marriage was not wrapped in romance, but in the desire for us to have a companion to share in all the ups and downs of life. Ecclesiastes tells us that two is better than one.
Do you see the connection?
Each thought is one that is refuted by our world and many times by our own nature. That is the strand that ties these thoughts together.
Humility is needed to come to a place of repentance. Humility is often seen as weakness. Weakness isn't applauded. Pride stands in the way of admitting our sins. Yet, it is greatly valued by our God. So much so that Jesus modeled the quality.
Our society encourages, no urges us to acquire more. The message is that the more you have, the more you will be admired and the more satisfied you will be. Jesus said that our life does not consist of our possessions.
It is common practice to seek to blame others for our troubles. Since we are all imperfect, it is not difficult to find a culprit. The majority of the time it does not solve the problem, but compounds it. Jonah is a prime example. He hated the Ninevites so deeply that he wanted to see them condemned not forgiven. When God did forgive, Jonah pouted. He was so focused on those "enemies" that he withdrew from God. It was his reaction and attitude that created the gulf between him and his God, not anything anyone else did.
Many times we are measured by our behavior with no regard for our motive. If obedience is more than skin deep, grace will accompany it. Our actions will not be rote, but motivated by love, love for our gracious Papa and for those He brings our way. Papa knows the difference and others will be able to tell also.
Everywhere we look; movies, books, commercials, etcetera, they all emphasis romance. Of course that should be part of a marriage, but it is not the major portion. My Papa has been speaking to me about the value of having someone to care for you and stick by you no matter the situation. That is His intention. Some seasons of marriage seem devoid of the "romance." It is only taking a different form than what is commonly heralded.
In reflecting upon what I have just written I see another common thread, one that has been mentioned; humility. At all times it is so very important to keep ourselves and our God in perspective. He sits on the Throne, we do not. He is all powerful, we are weak.
The subtle lies are all around us. They seek to distract us from the Truth. When we embrace Truth, we will be able to echoed the words of the Apostle Paul found in Philippians Four, verse eleven.
"Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."