Wednesday, June 6, 2012


One of the elders of our church, Mike, spoke on Sunday morning.  It was communion Sunday and the elders take turns sharing a mediation with us. Mike's was lead to speak on the topic of communion.

It was an encouraging message.  Papa used it to fill my heart.
While I listen to any speaker I take notes.  It keeps me focused and cements in my memory what God is saying to me.   One thing I wrote may not have been the speaker's exact words, but it is the message that I heard in my heart and penned in my journal.
"Healing and reconciliation come from communion with Christ."
I would need to remember and apply those words a little later that day.

Something else that I jotted down also resonated with me.
"You cannot accept His sayings apart from accepting Him."  
This got me to thinking how easy it is to read His Word without really connecting with the One Who's Words they are.

Why would we do such a thing?


When His Word speaks to my heart it is His Spirit saying that it is time to look at the issue that has been revealed.
Sometimes out of a desire to avoid exposure, I avoid Him.  Not because He doesn't already know all about me and my issues, but rather because I do not want to look at it myself, but stay in my personal form of denial.

He allows that to go on just so long.
Because He loves me (us) too much to not keep moving me (us) to all He has for His child(ren)!

My LORD has been speaking to me about being aware of negativity around me and recognizing it for what it is: lies from the enemy of my soul.  I take unkind words to heart and allow others to dash my hopes too easily.

Sunday afternoon I attended a baby shower.  Such activities are not on my list of favorite things to do.
Oh, I love babies.  Very much!  And I love being around one who is expecting.
I am just not very good at, nor very fond of, small talk.
Then having to sit through silly games:  Diapers filled with melted chocolate?  Want to sniff them?
NO thanks!  Chocolate would be ruined for me and we can't have that!!
Then there is the mound of gifts to be opened, one by one.  OOH, a box of diapers!
It wearies me, but I gladly went out of love for my friend, who is one of the dearest people I know!
And I was looking forward to catching up with a couple of people I hadn't seen in a while.

Where the true challenge came was when someone dear to my heart responded very coolly to me.  It wasn't me, but I believe because she is doing some of that avoiding of our God at the moment.  However, it saddened me.

Then others snubbed me.  I won't go into the details, but trust me, it was a snub.  They actually ignored me and then moved to another empty table, leaving me all alone.
Maybe I missed something?

Later I made a suggestion regarding a game when the one running it was unsure of how to handle it.  In the end they opted for a different approach.
No problem.

What was a problem was my friend's comment to a mutual friend, who sat next to her.
She remarked that my suggestion was a ridiculously, stupid one.  Who would ever handle the game that way?
Her words hurt.
Not because I had to be right, though I thought my suggestion a good one, but because my friend was so unkind in her remarks.  She wasn't even concerned that I had heard her.

I thought I had dismissed all of this, but realized later that I had taken it all to heart.
That night I could not sleep so I got up and sought communion with my Savior.  He lead me to the Fifth Chapter of Matthew.

What did the Holy Spirit have to say?
"See all that is yours in Christ?
Embrace it, enjoy it and rest in it.
Rest in Me."
His peace filled me and with it a love for those who hurt me and the instruction to treat all with kindness in the confidence that I am His beloved daughter.

How gracious He is!

I am reading through a devotional book based on the poem "Footprints in the Sand."
Today's reading explored Scripture that speaks of walking with the LORD.
In other words communing with Him.

Papa gave me so many treasures, as I read the various verses.
The offerings came from Old and New Testament books; ranging from Leviticus through to John's First Epistle.
Truly communing with our LORD results in many blessings.

A reminder that we are His.
The promise of a long and full life.
A fruitful life.
His Presence.

A communion so rich.
A Communion found in no other.

It begins for us with the Words of Jesus found in the Twenty-Second Chapter of Luke,
"This is My body which is given for you...This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood."
We come to the Cross first, recognizing that He has paid the price and then receiving all that it means for us we enter into communion with our Savior.

Oh, how amazing that the Holy God, the Creator, the Sovereign LORD did all this for us in order to commune with us!

Mike ended by sharing the words to a song by the Side Walk Prophets.  Below I, too, will close with the chorus to their song But You Love Me Anyway,
"But You love me anyway It's like nothing in life that I've ever known Yes, You love me anyway Oh LORD, how You love me How You love me!"
Yes, He loves us anyway.  In spite of all our sin and weakness.
As we enjoy communion with Him, no other's words will penetrate our heart nor will anyone be able to dash our hopes!

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