There has not been one minute to sit, at least not while I had a clear mind.
Part of the problem was that I didn't speak up.
Our guys had decided that we should go camping as a family, which is a fine thing to do. We did quite a bit of camping over the years and loved it.
They included my brother-in-law and his wife, who happen to have a good sized RV that would accommodate my honey and me. A tent equipped with an air mattress would have been very difficult for him and not so comfy for me.
Matthew slept in his tree hammock, which looked really cozy, but it is definitely for a person with less aches and pains! Besides the thought of sleeping in the open where bears wander through would have kept me awake all night!
So what should I have spoken up about? The fact that we were driving four and a half hours, each way, to camp Friday to Sunday. Too much traveling for so short a time.
In the end everyone had come to that same conclusion, so the next camping trip is going to be closer to home. Yay!
Having felt unsettled about the plans, which I am certain was my God direction, I should have said something.
It is over now, but I faced a full week extra tired at the start.
Our youngest is celebrating four years of being clean and sober in two days and, of course, we want to help him with the celebrating!
His girlfriend decided she wanted to give him a party, which is our house. :)
She asked very sweetly and I was glad to make our place available.
However, I should have known there would be more to it than just making our house available!
The more included shopping, a visit to the attic for games and such, getting extra chairs and tables out of the shed, preparing a couple of dishes get the idea....
This is not to say that she isn't doing anything, because she is, but she works and cannot possibly get to all the details.
For weeks one of my sisters and I have been planning a sister-weekend, which means her coming here to visit. Guess when that is happening?
Number three son is coming too.
It will be wonderful to have more family here and I am looking forward to it!
However, this means making up beds and such.
In the midst of all the preparations for this weekend is the preparation for a barbecue I am putting together for the guys from the rehab. This is scheduled for nine days from now.
I needn't list all that is involved for this extravaganza, but am very grateful for those who are helping!!
There are a number of other details that involve my favorite subject, insurance, that I could discuss, but I won"t...I'd rather not think about it!
Ray had a saying,
"It is either famine or glut!"I think it is one of those times of glut! My head has been spinning and I have felt stretched a little too far.
Too much running, not enough His feet.
Papa has not abandoned me. This morning we had a scant few minutes to spend alone and He in His grace spoke to my heart....from numerous passages...
From Psalm Fifty-Five,,,
"Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you, He will never let the righteous fall."
Then Jeremiah Seventeen...
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."Then He gave me a message for my friends at the rehab, who I will be visiting in a short while.
Taking the topic of the first of the Twelve Steps of AA we will discuss being powerless and weak and how we can exchange them for His power and strength!
For this I know I will have the power and strength for this is part of His plan for me!
Praise His Holy Name!!