We adopted two young cats.
Since becoming Rue-less we had come to the decision that we needed a fur ball or two of our own.
So two weeks ago we made a trip to the Humane Society to find a kitten or two.
We filled out a multi-page form where we gave more information than was necessary to take our offspring home from the hospital.
I am surprised that they didn't require us to get physicals!
That day we left without our selected kitty, as he needed a few more shots and they needed to check out our application, line-by-line, page-by-page.
I know I implied that we chose the little guy, but really he was the one who decided we belonged to him!
A few other cats came to check us out, but turned their noses up and continued on their way. This guy jumped right up to sit between Ray and I. Then he pressed his little face against me.
The little boy had been found starving on the street. He is still very thin and bony.
This past Saturday was the day we could take the four month old little oriental tabby home.
While we were signing yet more papers the staff person told us that there was now one more young cat available for adoption. Would we like to meet her?
In came a nearly pure white kitty with the biggest eyes I have seen on a cat.
She, too, jumped up and curled up between my honey and me.
Needless to say, she was the second cat that came home with us.
The poor thing had been found with a badly broken leg and had just been declared healed.
I think her heart will take a little longer.
The girl was named Sushi and somehow it seemed to fit. The little guy had been called Ranger, but we tossed that name. He is Stir Fry.
A word play on Small Fry.
Being part Oriental and also big on eating we thought a food reference fit.
Well, upon arriving home Stir Fry jumped out of his carry case and promptly began to check out his new home.
Sushi ran and hid.
Five days later Sushi is still hiding.
A number of times each day I seek her out and speak kindly to her, while not insisting that she come out of hiding.
Sometimes it becomes a challenge to find her latest hiding place.
Yesterday I found her collar, but no Sushi. It made me think of the Chesire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, who could vanish at will!
Yes, every day I have found her after some searching.
Every day until today.
I cannot find her anywhere and I am becoming concerned.
Sushi was last seen under a chair at eleven o'clock last night.
There is no way that she got out, but where in the world could she be??
I am suppose to call the Humane Society within the next few days to report on how our little ones are doing. I certianly hope that I do not have to report her missing!
The way I figure it, if she is going to make an appearance it will be tonight.
My sister is coming for the night and she is allergic to cats.
She comes armed with her allergy medication, so she'll be okay, but knowing the way cats operate it would be no surprise if Sushi decided my sister was too good to resist.
Meanwhile, Stir Fry has decided that he has to have either Ray or I within sight at all times. Given the choice he wants to be in physical contact and gets vocal about it if there has been too much of a lapse since last contact.
We think he must have been separated from his mother too soon.
I am considering getting one of those baby carriers that mother's use with newborns!
According to Proverbs Twelve, verse Ten, those who belong to Papa care about their animals.
Eugene Peterson puts it this way in The Message,
"Good people are good to their animals..."I think I'll close and make another search for that missing kitty.
That is if I can convice Stir Fry to give up my lap!
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