Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Turn It Over?

Our codependency group was to meet tonight, but it is summer and our members were otherwise occupied.
If we had gathered our topic would have been the importance of recognizing just how powerful our God is, so we can be confident in turning over all of our struggles.

Why would we be willing to surrender our concerns to anyone if we weren't certain that they could handle it?
We've wrestled with so many situations and issues because they matter to us.  At some point it all becomes too much to handle anymore.  Then what do we do?
Give in to the mess?
Grow depressed and despondent?
Or give up to someone else.

Not just anyone will do.
There is only One who has the wisdom and power to sort it all out and actually draw the beauty out of our turmoil.
The thing is that many have no idea who this is...

In my reading this morning one verse in Amos leaped off the page.
"For behold, He who forms the mountains and creates the wind and declares to man what are His thoughts, He who makes dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth, The LORD God of hosts is His name."
How awesome He is!
Imagine this God.
Has a vast army (hosts) at His command...

This exalted One reveals Himself and His thoughts to us!
Some will deny that He reveals anything to them.
Oh really?
Creation speaks of Him.
Life reveals Him.
His Word reveals His thoughts.
Our hearts cry out of His existence and our need of Him.

Just stop and open your heart and mind.
Look into the face of a newborn baby.
Enjoy the embrace of a loved one.
Take pleasure in the beauty of creation.

This is the One who will gladly take all our burdens.

Let me share, once more, the verses in Matthew that ushered me into His Kingdom where I found my Burden Bearer waiting to take all of it.
He has indeed made something beautiful out all of it!
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."
Tomorrow I head to West Virginia to spend time with our oldest son, Eric and his family.  I am particularly looking forward to spending time with great-grand baby Ariana!
Yes, it will be good to hang out with my dear ones, but I will leave them with a burdened heart.  I know that already.
However, I also know that Papa will be right there to take every care, as I hand them over.

I know that He will bring beauty out of every single care!
How I praise my Gracious God!!

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