Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some of My Favorite Things.

Throughout this day I have caught myself humming a tune.  It is one of those that can catch hold and refuse to fade for a while.
In this instance, I do not mind.  At least not yet!

The song is from The Sound of Music.  This posting shares its title.

Instead of fighting the tune running through my head I decided to use it to reflect on some of my favorite things.

I share the song writer's love of raindrops on roses, or any other flower. 
Actually, flowers make the list even if they have no raindrops on them, though early morning dew does add a special touch....
A freshly cut bouquet always brightens my day.

Kittens make the cut also.  Especially one certain kitty who is in residence in our home.  Roo is the most affectionate, inquisitive, gentle kitten I have ever encountered.
Each morning she has taken to greeting me by rubbing my ankles and mewing to be picked up.  She loves to cuddle and rub noses.  After her emotional tank is full she begins to squirm.  Once I release her she takes off at full speed.  There are birds to watch, toys to bat around and a jungle gym to climb.  All before breakfast!This fur ball never uses her nails with a person, even when playing. 
Roo has a permanent look of innocence on her face, so even if she is involved in a little mischief, you cannot be very stern with her.
All her ways are very endearing.

Every single thing mentioned in the song is a simple thing.  Nothing super fancy, just ordinary people, commonplace creatures and items; such is my list.
The smell of fresh cut grass...
The early morning sound of birds welcoming the new day...
The sense of belonging as each family member emerges from their room to start their day...
Baking my family's favorite cookies or meal...
Hanging laundry out on the line...
The smell of that laundry once dry...
Curling up with a good book...
The sound of rain....
Communication from a friend...
Visiting over a cup of tea....

I could go on, but you get the idea!

Now I will turn to some of my favorite things that I dare not consider commonplace.

Beginning my day with Papa...
Going through my day with Papa...
Realizing the joy that He shares with me...
The peace that comes from such a relationship...
The fellowship with others who love Jesus...
How words can leap off the page, as He speaks to my heart...

Yes, these are some of my favorite things!
Now it is your turn!

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