Following the flights, which went surprisingly fast, I landed back on US soil. Stepping back into the world, as I have known it, has been strange. Know that expression, "a duck out of water"? Well that is how I feel. I know that jet lag can take some of the blame, but it is more than that.
For the past five weeks the focus has been on ministry. Even if much of what I did was observation, it was on ministry. There were no other demands upon my time. It was lovely.
Before this trip I had planned on quiet time once I arrived back home. I am very glad I was prompted to do so. Normally I just fill in all the blanks on the calendar. That would not have been good!
This time to rest is just what is needed. Rest for the body, as it readjusts, of course, but more so to rest in Him.
As I have sat with Him, He has impressed me with a few thoughts. There is such a strong sense of just how He, in His Grace, carried me through the whole adventure. It was evident throughout the time, but now I am overwhelmed with this fact! The thought that keeps coming to mind is how He doesn't do anything without purpose. His planning and orchestration of my trip had and has purpose. Without much deep thought I can say I know it is so that I can pray more effectively. Sharing what He has shown me with others is another part of it, but there is more. To be sure He will be revealing it to me, as the time is right.
This morning I was reading in Psalm 41. The first verse begins, "How blessed is he who considers the helpless". I felt directed to study this further.
Jesus speaks of being blessed particularly in the Sermon on the Mount. To me blessedness is a happiness that comes from the sense of being fortunate; fortunate to know the LORD and to belong to Him!
In the concordance I found that 'considers' means to be circumspect. It is implied that the careful consideration is followed by action.
The word 'poor' refers to those who are without strength to help themselves, the weak and needy. The word 'dangling' is included. It gives me the picture of a broken limb that just hangs or dangles uselessly.
So the blessed are focused on those in need. Needs come in may sizes and shapes, but everyone has them. The need of Him is utmost, but we cannot overlook other essential needs. Just like my friends on the other side of the world, our words must go hand-in-hand with action.
There is much more in this Psalm, but this is what spoke loudly to my heart. Following this I turned to Mark 13 where we are urged not to be idle, but to be about the work that is ours to do.
I felt the LORD saying - Focus!
In this world it is so easy to get distracted and pulled in many directions. Focusing is not always easy, yet if our focus is on the Living God, He will keep us on the right path.
When God wants to get a message through to me He repeats it to be sure I get it! So it was no surprise to listen to a sermon from the beginning of this year and hear the same message - Focus!
Focused I will be! On Him to be sure and also on whatever 'needs' He reveals to me.
Oh, I think I am on a new adventure!
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