You may remember that I did not get to visit my friends, Don & Lynne P., in China thanks to China Eastern, which was a disappointment. However, the goods news was that they were coming to Thailand for a conference! It was a forum for those who minister in China that was held in Hua Hin, Thailand at a lovely resort. So Wednesday morning found me headed there for an overnight with them.
Don and I met in 1995 during a missions conference. He actually spoke to the teens in our basement. Since then the LORD has had me keeping tract of his and Lynne's ministries so that I could pray for them. Over the years Lynne and I began to communicate and for a while now have been connecting over Skype. I count her as a treasured friend now and really looked forward to seeing her in person!
Our time together was so good and, on my part at least, definitely deepened our connection. It was a restful and refreshing time where I could relax in good company and in a beautiful setting. This is not to say that the other company I have been keeping has not been good, but I felt like I could just be for a little while.
During this brief time I was afforded more insight into how to pray for these dear ones, who are called to represent Him on this side of the world. The LORD has given me an interesting picture of prayer. It is one of a cocoon being woven with each strand put in place by prayer. Each one that we pray for and what He is doing in and through them is then in this protected place, safe to develop into what He has ordained. What a privilege to have a part in His plan!
Hua Hin is the area where the revered king has his main residence and so you know it is beautiful, quiet and clean. Every where I looked I saw beauty. Mountains dotted the scenery. Nothing surpasses God's creativity!
The resort was the nicest place I ever stayed. My room was all wood and windows with a view to the mountains. Each room had its own balcony with a jacuzzi, double swinging seat and a small table with chairs. I was in the lap of luxury. The design and decoration was simple and so lovely in a understated way. I do not enjoy glitz and find it unsettling. In its simplicity this setting gently invited me to rest a while.
A side benefit of this visit was that I sat in on the forum for a bit and got a glimpse of what is happening in parts of China. Exciting!
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