Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God of All

Each Sunday has given me a new experience of worship. This past Sunday Sandy and I attended a church that meets in a hotel. There were a number of countries represented, but the service was in Thai. Though there was a translator the love for the Savior needed no translation. During the service there was an opportunity for testimony. How sweet to see the children taking part with all sincerity.

Throughout this trip the experience of being in the midst of people lifting their voices in prayer, praise and song, though in a language I did not understand, has been a very moving one. Each time I think of how the book of Revelation has people of every nation, tribe and tongue worshipping our great God. It is a little bit of heaven on earth.

As you can see, I couldn't resist taking a picture of one of the lines from "Amazing Grace" that was projected in both Thai and English. Today Sandy's Thai worker kept singing that song. I could join in both in the service and today with no problem!

1 comment:

  1. Just checked your itinerary and saw you're coming home on the 8th, not today. Don't know why I kept thinking the 4th. Anyway, may your last few days there be amazingly blessed!
