Saturday, December 22, 2012

Storing our Treasures

 Papa had a specific message for me this morning.

I am still spending much of my time in the beginning chapters of the Gospel of Luke.  Today's reading was found in two portions of the second chapter.
Verses Sixteen through Twenty focuses on the shepherds response to the Good News they had received from the angel.

They hurried and found their way to the stable where they found Mary, Joseph and the baby.  At which time they shared what they heard.
Having satisfied their need to see the Heralded One they headed back to their sheep, but not quietly!
"And the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them."
This got my attention.
So did Mary's response.
"But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart."
Mary had the same response later in the same chapter.
Jesus was now twelve years old and had gone to Jerusalem with His parents, but had stayed behind when everyone headed home.  Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple in the midst of the teachers.
He was surprised that they did not know to look for him there.

Just like a woman might keep her greatest treasures in a safe chest, so Mary stored away all the wonders of her Son.

Both hers and the shepherds responses draw a true picture of the essentials of faith.

Meditation and reflection is how we can treasure all God reveals to us.
Worship and praise are natural responses to our Savior God.
And we will not be able to resist sharing the Good News with all we encounter!

After the reading in Luke I was directed to the Eleventh Chapter of Deuteronomy.
Verses Thirteen through Twenty-one speak of the importance of paying close attention to His Word.
"You shall therefore impress these words of Mine on your heart and on your soul..."
The passage promises much blessing for those who treasure His Words.
To impress something on our hearts takes time and attention.

To treasure or meditate according to the thesaurus means that we turn it over in our mind, contemplate, deliberate over.  This is not something done quickly.
Just like we do not gulp down something that has an especially wonderful taste, we make it last, enjoying the flavor.  So our God is urging us to savor His Word.

It is too easy to not take the time to reflect on all He is saying to us.  There is always something else waiting to be tended to, but nothing has such eternal value as the Words that our God has to say to us.

I know that He has emphasized this for me purposely.
Might He be speaking to anyone else?

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