Sunday, July 22, 2012

Choosing Sides

It has been too many days since I visited this blog, but life has a way of using days up at an amazing pace!
We arrived home five days ago and, of course, hit the ground running!
Well, maybe not running...

My honey doesn't run these days and his honey has been worn out.
To be honest I have spent a good bit of my time resting this past week.
And to be even more honest I have been doing quite a lot of resting for many weeks.

Blood tests are scheduled for this week, because this lady has a few issues going on at the moment.

Papa has given me peace and I am resting in Him.

Meanwhile, life does go on and though I have had to pace myself, I am still involved in a few things, as He leads.

It is such a joy to be able to rely upon the Spirit of God to do the leading.
There is definitely a pattern to His leading in my life....

A Christian festival called City Fest was held yesterday.
A number of tents housed different ministries with a variety of offerings for those who attended the festival.
The intend was to be an outreach to those who were in need of a good dose of hope and love.
And it was!

I was able to give a couple of hours in ACTS4's prayer and information tent.
Let me share a sample of who Papa brought across my path.

A woman who loves Jesus and is in recovery.
Her son and one of her daughters are in the grip of addiction right now.
The boy's father is also.
This precious woman has had a struggle staying clean and sober, but has had victory for a few years now.
She is looking for a Bible-believing fellowship that understands the struggle and is able to come alongside her.  That is a tall order.  Not many do understand.
However, it is not too tall for our God!
The two of us spent some time in prayer together and I have committed to ongoing prayer for her.

A young man came along asking for prayer for his entire extended family.  His heart's desire was for them to come to know Jesus as he does.
I was glad to join my heart and voice with his!

Then there was the young woman who desired to experience a foot-washing with prayer.
A bit unsettled at first, she seemed to settle down as I held one foot at a time in my hands and washed it as I lifted her up to the One seated on the Throne.
How Papa blanketed us with His Presence!
It was a very humbling, blessed experience.

I am reminded over and over of the importance of prayer.
It paves the way for all God intends to do.

He calls us to join Him in what He is up to and the joining begins with prayer.
I am convinced of this and that is why I have, what I call, a prayer team.

Each week I send out an update after I visit the rehab.  Those prayers are moving mountains one subtle shift at a time!

This morning I was reading in the Fifth and Sixth Chapters of Joshua.
Joshua was walking near Jericho and most likely reflecting on how to conquer the city, when he spotted
" a man standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "'Are you for us or for our adversaries?'"
What was the man's response?  He said,
"No, rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD."
He was saying that he was not taking sides apart from God's.

Joshua responded by worshiping and asking for his marching orders.  With that it became evident that it was the LORD who was addressing him!

As I read this exchange, I realized that it is each one of us who must choose sides, not God.
We are either on His side or not, not the other way around.
God does not move.

The really cool thing is that when we choose God's side we find that He is for us and that we are now in the company of a great host!

Hebrew tells us that we have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us.
I have heard the saying that with God each one of us are a majority.
As I head anywhere I remind myself of this truth.  I am never alone.  I never have to face anything alone, nor do I need to accomplish anything on my own.
I am in a great company!

Part of that company are those who faithfully pave my way with prayer.
And as a member of His great company I also gladly lift my voice in prayer for them too!

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