Saturday, July 28, 2012

Something's Wrong

There seems to be something wrong with my blog.  Viewing it is the problem, which I am sure you have seen...
There are a number of lines that are highlighted in white; I cannot find the help needed to correct this, so if anyone reading this has an answer, please let me know!

I wonder if this blog is simply reflecting its writer's current condition?

For a while I have not felt like myself, not at all!

At least I know what resources to tap to figure out what the problem is and then address it.
Unlike this blog's problem!

We never know what new challenge is going to come our way, do we?
The wonderful thing is that we do know the One who willingly goes through it all with us!

Our God is on His Throne and is the Omniscient One.
Nothing takes Him by surprise.
And all that He allows to come our way has a good purpose.

We often may not be able to see what those purposes are, but we can trust His Loving Hand.

As I promised in my last posting I want to share how He is always poised to bless each one of us, for His compassions are new every morning.

The Eighteenth verse in the Thirtieth chapter of Isaiah caught my attention,
"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.  For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him."
Can't you just see Him on the edge of His seat, as a loving Papa, watching and leading us to all He has for us in any given moment?  It is ours to claim, if only we long for it and Him!

That little boy's hand didn't only pluck my rose, but opened the opportunity for me to hear from my LORD.
He had a few thoughts to share with me.

Yes, I grieved that lovely rose, but it is just a flower, which is not meant to last.  It had just about reached the zenith of its beauty.
Imagine Papa's grief when the beauty He desires to develop in us is hindered?

Yes, that little boy was a bit out of control, which I am sure his mother knew, but would they have needed to hear that from me?
No, it was an opportunity to demonstrate grace, which we all need to experience as much as possible!

So where was the blessing for me?
Well, I got a fresh glimpse into my Savior's heart and the opportunity to let a little more beauty take root in my life!

My journal reflects my response to something I read by Brennan Manning this morning,
"If I have been taken in by the Gospel, then grace will mark my life; its actions and attitudes. 
Yesterday I had a wonderful visit with my friends at the rehab.  Our discussion centered around the truth that "if God is for us, who can be against us?"  We were very engrossed in the topic when one of the older counselors came to inform me, with a disapproving scowl, that I had overstayed my visit and was hindering them from beginning their group session.

Being not up to my usual chipper self, I was taken back for the moment and felt beaten down.
I needed to hold onto the fact that God is for me too!

Later on He used Psalm Sixteen to remind me that He is my portion,
"The LORD is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot.  The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me."
In reading further in that Psalm it tells us of many of the blessings that are wrapped up in our inheritance.

Yes, my heritage is beautiful to me!

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