My dear friends, I want you to know that I think of you every day.
Yes, that is right,
I call you friends, whether we have ever met or not because I share my heart with you and many of you keep reading!
Nearly every day I have something that I could easily use to create another posting.
And I often find it difficult not to do so.
There is a very good reason why I do not write as much as I would like.
Papa and people.
That sounds like two reasons, but really it is not.
I could say Papa and leave it at that, but there are way too many people in my life and I just cannot exclude them.
Let me explain.
A dear, dear friend sent me a small book that a friend of hers had written.
She wrote that she knew I would enjoy it.
She was right.
The booklet is entitled "Insights from Outside" Reflections form Mongolia, China and Siberian Russia. The author is Mark Alexander, who has ministered in these lands.
He shares lessons learned as he lived in
these foreign lands.
I have taken to reading just one offering at a time so I can reflect upon his insights and see how the Spirit uses it in application to my life.
The most current reading covered the topic of the brevity of life. The writer quoted one of my life verses, whose address is Psalm Ninety, verse Twelve,
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Another translation, which I used when I put this to memory, words the last part of the verse this way,
"that we may present to You a heart of wisdom"
Oh I like that picture.
It is a great incentive to pursue such wisdom.
With our God as the Teacher, we cannot fail!
Imagine bowing before our LORD and hearing,
"Well done good and faithful servant!"
What could be better?!
In this little book the author encourages the reader to literally count her days.
I did and it was sobering.
If I live to be ninety, I will have less than eleven thousand days left.
Not so many when you stop to think how quickly each day flies by!
Psalm One Hundred Forty-Four, verse Four states,
"Man is like a mere breath; his days are like a passing shadow."
I want each day to count and the only way I can be sure that they will is to look to my God.
And not only look to Him, but follow wherever He leads me.
This morning I purposely told Papa that I wanted Him to have His way with me and do what He wanted with my day.
It has been my habit, for many years, to plan out my week.
For more of those years than I care to admit I was not very flexible about that plan.
Walking with Jesus has changed that over time.
Now I set the schedule, but have learned to let go and let God have His way.
His way is to fill my life with people.
Beyond family and close friends, which keeps life full enough, there are many who come into my life for brief or short periods of time.
Right now Papa has a young mother of two little ones at the forefront. Her mother is one of the women I visit with at the local drug/alcohol rehab.
This nineteen year old woman has a three year old and a ten month old. They are living in a shelter which they must vacate for the day every morning at seven thirty. She has no transportation, so they wander the city stopping at soup kitchens for meals.The precious girl had a difficult childhood with not much training, so she is unprepared for the responsibilities of life and motherhood.
Example: occasionally another resident gives them a ride. Unfortunately, this little family have had no car seats. The little ones momma had no understanding of the risk she was taking. She thought holding them would protect them.
Today I picked up two car seats from my very generous pastor!
This young woman needs a lot of guidance and as long as Papa keeps her in my life, I will help as I am able.
As Papa enables me!
Every day is an adventure. I never know who I might meet or where I might end up or what I might be doing!
Today's plan had changed from what was on my schedule and instead of having tea with a friend I ended up here, there and everywhere.
While I was in the area of a well-known discount store I seized the opportunity and stopped in for a few needed items.
As I approached the register I recognized the customer in front of me.
Her daughter is struggling with drug addiction and we were able to chat for a few minutes once we were outside the store.
It gave me better understanding of how to pray.
Speaking of prayer, as we talked, I noticed the man who was pushing a long line of shopping carts into the store. I asked him if we were in his way, but he shook his head.
As I looked at him, I could see that he was in great pain.
I found myself approaching him and telling him that I could see that he was in pain.
He nodded in confirmation.
Then I found myself asking him if I could pray for him right then and there.
He told me that I could, so I did.
I do not know whether God relieved his pain, but I can tell you that the man was encouraged.
He had looked as if he felt so alone in this world and that no one cared.
That changed. I could see it in his face.
Today, in that moment, he knew that someone noticed him and that someone cared.
I pray that he realized that the Someone was the Living God!
After all it was Him who moved this girl of His to approach the man and who put the words in her mouth.
So please excuse me if I do not visit this blog every time I have something to share.
I am busy numbering my days!
It keeps me very busy!!