Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hope and Expectation

What do you know?  It has been exactly one year since I last sat in this place with my hands moving over the keyboard in an attempt to share my thoughts on this blog.  That is not to say that I haven't desired to do so before now, but somehow the urge passes before the opportunity presents itself!

I don't do resolutions these days, but if I were to it would be to find the time to visit here on a regular basis.  Writing is one of my joys and writing to share what Papa has shown me is my most favorite type of writing.  Really it is the only writing I give any serious attention.

So what hinders my writing?  Well, I do write every week, but it is an update focused on the precious people Papa has given me the privilege of ministering to with Him.  We are on a grand adventure, we two!
That writing takes a couple of hours of my time to put together, which means I have less time to do other writing, but it  has also allowed me an outlet for my desire to write. However, the desire to visit here has been building and I am seizing this moment to do something about it!

Whenever I write I imagine that we are in conversation.  I guess that is my style of writing...the conversational style!

Though I don't think the beginning of a new year is really that monumental, as it does not offer any more opportunity for change than any new day or hour or minute does, I have made it my habit to use it as an opportunity to do some self-evaluation with Papa.  I also look to Him for what He would have me focus on in praying for myself, my family and so many others.  He gives me Scripture to guide my prayer focus.

About a month ago my gracious God gave me one verse for this coming year and it is meant to encompass every detail of every life.

My children are all adults and live on their own.   We have regular contact and Papa always shows me what He would have me be praying for each one.
One never stops being a parent, but as our children mature our role change and our responsibilities grow to be much less.  The balance shifts.  Yet, our concern for their well being never wanes and there are always things we'd love to see change.  And that is just regarding family...Then there are many others, including those precious ones who Papa and I love, who so need to realize their infinite worth!

The verse I received is Psalm 39:7 Amplified
"And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect?  My hope and expectation are in You."
What Papa spoke to me regarding this verse was:
If I were to make a list of all the things I wait for, things I long to see happen, things I desire to change, it would be pretty long!  Most of which, if not all, I have no control over!
Instead of focusing on and worrying over any of those things I can turn them over to Him and wait for Him to work in His perfect time.
What freedom!!

The fact is that He never answers the way I expect.  No!  It is always so much better!!  Ephesians 3:20 Amplified says it beautifully!
"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the (action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to (carry out His purpose and) do superabundantly, far over and above all that we (dare) ask or think-infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams,"
What joyful promise!!

Now this was not something totally new to me.  Papa has been so very gracious in my life and the lives of those around me.  But don't we all need fresh reminders along the way?
So consider this your reminder...A reminder of His faithfulness....His mercy and grace.....His power...And especially His great love!

A reminder to give all your hopes and expectations over to Him and wait...wait and watch the Sovereign Lord's way of making new everything!  After all He is the Redeemer of all things!

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