Friday, January 2, 2015

The Favor of God

As the calendar marks one year ending and another beginning, it is my custom to give that passing year some reflection.  Quite often my thoughts travel back beyond that one year to gain a broader view.
This was what took up one of my mornings recently.

What did I see?
Much blessing!

With the wide view of many years I thought back to where I as well as my immediate family began and where we now find ourselves.
I am amazed.

Recently I saw a video demonstration of an interesting technique used to tell one's story.
You take one particular fabric that is to symbolize the core of your life, who you are and what the common thread has been.  You cut this into one long strip.
Then you gather numerous other fabric pieces that you feel would represent different parts of your journey, which you tie at intervals along the core strip of cloth.

It really caught my interest and I intend to try this soon.  When I do I know that the first section will be marked with something that represents chaos.  Another section will continue that theme in darker shades.
BUT then some color representing light will be found threaded through what follows leading to a great infusion of bright, glorious color!

The rest of the adventure to date will be represented with colors and patterns that reflect more and more order, peace and joy.  Of course, there will be many dark designs and shades woven throughout, as that is how life truly is experienced.  However, it will be clear that the Light subdues all the darkness!

Sitting in my little sanctuary reflecting over how my broken little life and my family's has been transformed stirred a humbling realization.  I and my family walk in the favor of God!

The dictionary defines favor as an attitude of approval or liking; an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual; to show approval or preference for.


For many months Papa has been impressing me with the fact that He is the Redeemer of ALL things.  Looking at our lives there is no denying this fact!

Brokenness, sin, addiction, anger, fear, name a few..all are being redeemed.

Papa brought my attention to Psalm 5:12
"Surely LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield." 
Who is righteous?
Those who are made right with God through the Blood of Jesus Christ!
That is us!

I shared these thoughts with our two sons, who walk with our Lord.
It was my desire to encourage them to not miss seeing His Hand of blessing, nor take the favor of God lightly.

We are a family blessed a thousand times over.  Yes, in the midst of messy stuff; struggles and concerns, but always blessed!  The blessings are there; it is up to us to recognize them.
That is the favor of the Lord.  The true blessing is His Presence in our lives.  That the Almighty, Most High God seeks relationship with us; intimate relationship is beyond amazing!

It is a sobering thing to walk in His favor.  I asked our sons what we are meant to do in the midst of such blessing?
The answer? 
Be reconcilers!
"All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation."
 The most amazing thing is that the more one walks in His favor and shares it, the greater the favor!

May this new year find each one of us growing as our Savior did, when He walked this earth as a man.
"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."  Luke 2:52